Celebrating; Berry Lips.

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Today seems like absolute bliss in comparison to the events of the past couple of days and I'm just glad that the day has finally come, It's Valentine's Day; the day I've planned to ask Odette to be my girlfriend. Technically, we haven't actually started dating yet, I mean we've been on dates, but it doesn't seem like we're one of those couples that makes everything official - as long as we're happy, that's all that matters. On saying that, she may think completely differently, it's not like I know Odette like the palm of my hand - if anything I've learned more about her from other people - so potentially I should prepare myself for a rejection.

I begin to panic, if she does reject me then we're here together for another four days, not that it would be awkward but I would admittedly feel emotionally wounded. I just need to think optimistically now, I need to plan everything perfectly - how will I ask her? I have no idea!

Panic rises yet again and I'm forced to calm my racing heart, she's lay in bed right beside me, she would notice if I started to hyperventilate. Deep breaths, deep breaths...in...out...in...out, that's better. Odette's pale form lies silently in the plush bedding of her adolescent bed - the room from last night that I stormed into happened to be hers, we fell asleep shortly after our outbursts; mine of anger and hers of sadness. I repeatedly reminded her of how much she meant to me and what an incredible impact she has made on my life, I thanked her, over and over again until she fell asleep feeling nothing but the warmth of my breath across her face. It was nice end to an unfortunate evening.

As of right now she sleeps soundly as I lie awake contemplating the day ahead, I've planned everything perfectly with small suggestions here and there from Ben and the lads - I just hope everything goes smoothly though, there's still room for a complete disaster and I'm praying that it never happens. Her gentle eyelids flutter as she dreams, something pleasant I hope, this morning is beautiful and it's all because of her; our day has barely begun and I already feel like I've touched the sky and floated among the stars.

As predicted, the sun beams through the thin voile that covers the window, the warm early morning sunset billowing in and preparing me for our day ahead; I glance at all of the pictures around the room - some portraits of old family members and some more recent, however the majority of the room is much like Odette herself, introverted and discreet. I wrap my arms further around my gentle angel and place a soft kiss to her temple - hopefully the disruption will wake her, that's my intention anyway, we have a long day ahead and I'm too excited to wait any longer. Like a childish schoolboy I decide to torment her, poking out my tongue and licking a small spot on her forehead.

She laughs instantaneously, pushing my face away, "well good morning to you too."

'Good morning Harry,' her hands sign sluggishly as if it takes a strenuous amount of effort to reply to the movement of my lips. Odette's face remains buried in my neck and I divulge in the warmth that she effortlessly exhales from those beautiful roseate lips. How could I get so lucky?

After various minutes of tickling and silent laughter Odette and I make our way to the kitchen. A small note hangs from the fridge, sealed by a magnet displaying a family holiday that the three girls must have been on - Odette's cheeks flushed as always with a demanding smile that I've grown to love so much; Odette slips the note from its light vice and translates the French cursive. 'Mama and Evelyn have gone to visit the neighbours, they'll be back soon.' I take the chance to raid the fridge, turns out Julia keeps a very well stocked fridge and I decide to make blueberry pancakes - I can't really go wrong with them considering that Odette is a fan of anything berry related! 'Are you making berry pancakes?' She asks in shock and happiness...I think.

"Yes, I thought you'd like them." She leaves me with a shy nod and sits herself at the dining table as I'd asked. Considering its Valentine's Day I decide to cut the pancakes into a heart shape, cliché I know, but I'm not too sure whether she's realised the days significance yet. The sweet aroma of the pancakes slithers around the house and I dust the dish with icing sugar and a few loose blueberry's for garnish. I'm actually really proud of today's breakfast. I don't think I've ever put as much thought and effort into a dish for anyone - I mean I've made mum a Mother's Day breakfast with Gemma, but normally I just make a sandwich or nibbles whenever it's just me and the lads.

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