Painting; Neighbours.

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It's been a week since I officially moved into my new apartment and I couldn't be happier. This place is so amazing, it has amazing views, a nice public garden filled with flowers that burst with colour, it's close to work. I really couldn't have gotten much better, and to top it all off, my friends are in the same building. Louis and Zayn above me on the fourth floor and Liam and Niall on the second floor below me, if we ever need each other we can just go to the front doors directly, with no hassle. It's so convenient. Perfect for me.

I've had to refurbish the entire place but that hasn't been much trouble, shopping for furniture was quite fun actually. Although I'm not good at matching colours, the lads had to help out on that one, but the majority of the apartment was designed by me, which I'm very proud of. I've gone for neutral and earthly colours; in the living room my couches are a cream and chocolate brown, my coffee table is standard dark wood and my rug is shaggy, and soft to the touch. There are vintage canvas' on the wall and modern art decor on one of the side tables. My kitchen acquired with dark coloured wood, metal cooking appliances and a hardwood flooring. Whereas my bedroom is more warming, containing a plain cream coloured bed with a coffee coloured throw to decorate, a soft cream carpet with a large rectangular brown rug and a white bookshelf filled with all of my favourite books and films.

The only thing I need to do now, is actually paint the walls of the apartment. I know the names of the colours I need and what goes where, the last thing I need to do is go to the shop and pick up the right paint.

Taking into consideration the fact that my apartment is huge and if I did it on my own it would probably take me a week, the lads have kindly volunteered themselves to help me re-paint the entire place, as long as I buy the food. Which I thought was a fair deal.

So now all five of us are in my Range Rover and on our way to the department store to pick up the paint. I am currently driving whilst Zayn sits beside me on his phone; Liam, Louis and Niall all perched contently in the back as they sing loudly to the radio. "You guys should've been singers." I speak mockingly towards them as they belt out the notes carelessly. The truth is, they are actually brilliant singers, all four of them, they all have their own individual style that suits them but when you put them all together they sound amazing. I know I may joke about it and take the mick out of them from time to time but they genuinely are amazing singers.

As we arrive at the large department store we raid the aisles searching for the right paint. Me and Zayn going in one area whilst Lou, Liam and Niall head in the other, using our phones to communicate if we need to. As we reach the right aisle I take the cream coloured paint in my hand, grabbing the coffee colour in my other hand. "I think we need a trolley." I tell Zayn, knowing that I don't have enough hands to carry more paint. He kindly goes and grabs a trolley, allowing me to place both of the tins of paint in there, along with another two of the same colours. My apartment is huge and I'm going to need a lot of paint, believe me.

"So are you excited about all of this?" Zayn asks me, still pushing the trolley, the dodgy wheel squeaking as we walk.

I take in a large intake of breath and exhale before I answer him, "Yeah I really am, the whole redecorating is going to take a while and it'll be stressful but I'm excited. With you guys helping it should only take today, I mean I know it's a big apartment but we'll be able to do it."

"Yeah if we get our heads down it won't take long. It's not like we haven't done it before." he replies referring to when we had to repaint all of their apartments in the past.

After we get the gloss for the doors and skirting boards, Zayn and I make our way around the store to find the other lads; we turn a corner and hear a loud crash about two aisles away. "What the hell was that?" I question, a small feeling in the pit of my stomach hoping it isn't the other lads.

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