Calm Thoughts; Friendly Gatherings.

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The ride to work is nerve wracking.

I can't believe it's been a month already, it's safe to say I'm extremely nervous to hand in my project; I mean, I did excessive research on the Internet, I made several trips to the library, I used Odette's original pictures of the landscapes and her opinions on each setting, I even looked at reviews of hotels and places to stay. I've done everything I was asked to do and more. I showed the layout to some other travel company experts and they said that it was professional and easily understandable for the reader.

Although, despite all the effort and work I've put into it, I'm still nervous as hell. The CEO's have every right to decline my work and reduce me back to a measly employee that delivers coffee and takes business calls, however if they approve of it and offer me a high end job, I could get an incredible pay rise and I would be doing something I know and enjoy. Personally, I'm hoping for the latter.

I carried Odette to my spare room last night, she didn't wake up and I didn't really want to disturb her. The project had to be handed in before 9am this morning so I left her a note on the island in the kitchen early this morning, knowing that she would go in there to look for me and make herself some breakfast. Actually, I hope I stocked the fridge with food; I think I might have eggs and I'm pretty sure I have some bread, and cheese, maybe I have some cereal too...

My mind scurries thinking about the endless possibilities that Odette may have for her breakfast - it's clear that I'm not thinking straight today; my mind is worrying about work and my heart is worrying about Odette's morning food habits, I need to get control of my thoughts and not get myself worked up. It hasn't seemed to help me very much so far.

My hands begin to sweat on my steering wheel as the large familiar building comes into sight. I haven't seen my boss for a good couple of weeks when I brought Odette round, she seemed fairly pleased with my progress then, right? Surely she'll be happy with it, she did say she liked the layout and that there was some good information. Stay positive Harry, you don't even find out if you get the promotion today. You're simply handing it in.

I try to calm my thoughts and take deep breaths as I park up in my usual parking spot, I shouldn't take too long - I'm handing in the finished project and then leaving. Well that's the plan anyway...

I sent an email copy of the booklet to a printing firm a couple of days ago and picked it up yesterday morning before Odette arrived, in my opinion it looks really great and professional - I just hope the board of governors think so too. My car locks easily with a click of a button and I smile at my fellow co-workers as I walk through the reception and into the lift, the building a bold white and shiny silver - the entire atmosphere of the place radiating professionalism and intimidation. The building is extremely opulent considering it's in the middle of Devon.

Every step I take I notice something new, the floor made of vanilla coloured marble with stainless steel beams, becoming a strong and sturdy main feature; glass walls separate sections within each floor and act as clear banisters when ascending a set of stairs, I notice not a single speckle of dust in sight, the cleaners most likely obsessive about the cleanliness.

The lift itself is pure glass, and I observe each floor as I gradually rise above them. The third floor coming into view, expressing some of the clear and beautiful Devonshire landscapes. I exit the lift and smile at my fellow interns, all of them sending mumbles of congratulations on my opportunity since the last time I saw them; that's the lovely thing about them, they're not bitter, and show me constant support.

"Hey Harry." Rachel purrs as I pass her, my eyes focused straight on Margaret's office. I glance to her noticing an almost lustful smirk and I internally scoff; that wasn't her expression the last time I saw her, she was there when I visited with Odette and her features were a lot less inviting towards the French beauty. She was clearly jealous, I know that, and Odette didn't even notice considering how nervous she was, but I still don't like how she gave such a cold and unforgiving reaction to Odette, especially when she didn't know her.

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