Strange Dreams; Video Calls.

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"Hey mum." I answer the familiar ringtone that I've set just for when my mother calls. It's been a while since we last spoke so I'm quite excited to talk to her and hear how things are going back up north.

"Harry, I haven't spoken to you in so long. I barely recognise your voice!" She scolds playfully and I chuckle at her over exaggeration. Usually I try to phone mum once every few days, but this last month has been fairly hectic - with the project and meeting Odette, I haven't really had time for much else. Although in my defence, I have kept mum fairly updated on the two occasions that I have spoken to her this last month. She's been dying to meet Odette and keeps trying to make me visit just so she can conveniently say, 'oh and bring Odette too!'

I have a really good relationship with my mum, she and my father have raised me well, to which I'm positive Odette will agree - she reminds me enough anyway, always thanking me when I'm a gentleman, which I aspire to be every time I'm with her.

"It may have gotten a little deeper but I'm still the same old Harry."

"Have you got any chest hair yet or are you still working on it?" She titters at her own joke and I roll my eyes in a loving fashion.

"Still working on it, but thanks for asking." I regard her jokingly, loving the banter my mother and I share.

"How's Odette?"

"She's good, incredible actually, but I think I have a problem?" Do I tell her or don't I, of course I do she's my mum, why would I even second guess myself.

"What is it sweetie?"

"I think I'm in love with her."

After a pause, I hear a squealing coo before my mother quickly composes herself, "oh my little boy in love. I'm so happy for you! What did she say? Did she say it back?" I can already see the look on my mother's ecstatic face as her imagination runs wild.

"She didn't say anything because I haven't told her mum."

"Why?" She's confused.

"Because what if she doesn't say it back? I've only know her for a little over a month."

"So? Harry it doesn't matter how long you've known someone, all that matters is what you feel in your heart." My mum attempts to reason, I want this so much, I want Odette so much, but it's whether she wants me back that's getting me all anxious.

"I know mum. Odette just isn't that simple-"

"All girls want to find love Harry. No matter how much baggage they carry, every girl wants that one person that will love them regardless of their past. Even Odette." Her words sit with me for a moment as I contemplate the thought.

"Should I tell her?" I ask after a moment of silent reflection.

"Of course you should. When you're ready."

I know that even after my short conversation with mum, I'll still need a little more convincing. I just don't want to pour my heart out and tell Odette how I feel, only to get it smashed into a million pieces because she doesn't feel the same way; it's a common feeling when you realise you're in love with someone and have that instant fear of rejection, I know that Odette likes me - but does she love me? I have no idea. Our conversation quickly turns to the subject of work and how I'm doing, she informs me about what's happening at home - apparently Gemma has moved out into an apartment with some friends and has taken a liking to a career in journalism; mum then tells me about my other relatives and how my step-fathers job is going, she also reminds me to call my dad and check in on him.

After a long goodbye to mum and a quick catch up with my dad, my hour long phone call session ends and I'm free to let the blood flow back into my ear - don't get me wrong I love my family, but that can seriously talk when the want to.

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