Work; French Dishes.

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Being back in work feels surreal somehow; I know it's because I've been away from everyone for the last month but it still feels really strange. Don't get me wrong, no one is bitter about me getting the project opportunity, but its almost like it never happened. No one talks about it, only the odd question now and then, most of the time I'm back to photocopying and fetching coffees.

Admin is a regular part of my job, as well as: graphic design, managing and sharing ideas in meetings, assisting in PowerPoint, and several other activities that I won't bore you with; even though it seems to be a drag to someone on the outside, it's a real passion of mine to be able to manage and direct certain aspects of the company.

My ambition to be the managing director is a long shot I admit; I'm not experienced enough, and I don't yet have the knowledge to fulfil the role as I would in a few years time. Maybe Odette's right. It is a big job, perhaps I should aim for something a little more manageable, and progress my way through the company - I was never going to get a managing director job straight from being an intern at someone else's company... I'm not that clever.

I could aim for something along the lines of a supervisor; like Mrs Yates for example, she seems fairly satisfied in her job role, I mean she gets stressed from time to time but who doesn't? Then I'd progress one further and be a division manager, after that a branch manager, then once I've gotten the correct experience I can reach my final target of being a managing director... and no doubt by then I'll be old and grey, toddling to work on my zimmer frame.

At the minute my job is simple, I do administrative work mainly and then whatever Margaret orders me to do, such as finance or graphics; it's a nice job and I get along well with everyone - mum always said I was the charmer. But I want more, I want to progress and get better and listen to people's ideas and opinions and make their voices heard. I want to be respected but also I want everyone to know that I'm human too, and that just because I'm in a higher role doesn't mean I'm any way different. Everyone starts from the bottom at some point, and I strive for greatness - even though it may take me several years. I want to make a difference and show the world my creative side, I want companies to be baffled at our marketing ideas and I want to help this company strive across the world and grow larger with success.

It's a dream in the making basically.

"Harry, could you look over these stats and highlight any mistakes for me please." Margaret orders stressfully, dropping the Manila envelope onto my work station and heading to her office immediately, wrinkled hands rubbing over her forehead in an obvious attempt to wipe away any stress, her actions failing miserably however.

"Sure thing." I whisper more to myself than to my boss as I get to work straight away, seeing if there's anything else I can do to help. I look over the paperwork and open up a spreadsheets on my computer - typing in all the necessary information and financial details that I need to, then grabbing my tired and overused highlighter to find any mistakes on the paperwork that Margaret has handed to me.

My eyes glance around the office occasionally to see my fellow interns and my fully qualified colleagues sit at either their desks, or small work stations - that us interns have been provided with; it's essentially a shared table. I sit opposite Elliot who's actually really cool, his hair is a dirty blonde colour, his eyes a bright blue and he has just the right amount of stubble across his chin and jawline. Despite his skater boy look, Elliot is extremely clever and I'm surprised he didn't get the opportunity to progress quickly in the company, he's a great person to work alongside and I'm glad I sit opposite him. It's a hell of a lot better than where I used to sit opposite Rachel, who just caressed her sharp heels up my calf and attempted to play footsie with me; unbeknown to her that it in fact made me feel extremely uncomfortable.

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