Play Dates; Plastic Barriers.

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After making sure that Odette and Evelyn went home safely last night - yes I know they're only across the corridor but I still worry - the lads and girls decided to fall asleep, the lads in my room and the girls in the spare room.

Now, that's something that should never have happened; you see after staying the night, the lads tend to pull pranks on the last person that wakes up... Let's just say, none of the lads were last up.

Danielle was absolutely horrified when ice cold water being poured onto her face awoke her from a deep slumber. Zayn and Perrie left as soon as the could so they didn't have to witness Danielle's new found wrath, they were lucky to escape. Now I've been left with an untidy apartment and an angry Danielle - and let me tell you, she can be fucking scary when she wants to be.

It's safe to say that Danielle isn't talking to Liam considering he was the one that did the pouring, I was tidying up at the time so I wasn't a part of the master plan - however I'm pretty sure that Niall and Louis convinced Liam to go with the ice cold water option. Liam's a softie, he would never have thought of that, that has Niall and Louis written all over it. Although, I did chuckle a little bit when I heard the scream, but that's it I swear.

As of now everyone is helping me tidy up the apartment, in complete silence. The tension within the room is so thick it almost feels like you're choking; Zayn has already started packing up his apartment considering today is moving day for him, I still can't believe he's leaving, it feels like it was only yesterday that I met him for the first time in the dorms at Uni.

"Harry what's this?" Louis holds up a piece of modern art I bought from a charity shop a while ago.

My shoulders shrug to answer his question, "I don't know but it looked really interesting so I got it."

"Fair enough." He places the item back down and continues picking up rubbish off the floor. Silence surrounds us yet again. "This is so awkward." Louis murmurs.

I can't help but laugh in agreement. Danielle and Liam aren't even in the same room as us right now and yet we're still being awkwardly quiet. "What have you got planned today Harry?" Eleanor asks genuinely interested.

"I'm taking Odette on a date." The words leave my mouth before I can filter them. It's true, I spent my entire night last night staring up at the ceiling and thinking of the perfect date that I could take Odette on; something that I know she'll like, and after hearing all of her embarrassing teenage stories from Evelyn, I have a pretty good idea where to take her.

"Oh," she says with raised eyebrows. "What about Evelyn?"

"Well, Evelyn's coming too." Of course I wouldn't leave her sister out, what do they take me for?

"Soo," Louis joins in, elongating his starting word and almost warning me that he's about to be mischievous. "It's more like a play date then." I roll my eyes at his childishness, glaring playfully at Eleanor and Niall as they laugh along.

"Don't provoke him. Are we nearly done yet?" I change the subject - knowing he's right in some sense - and thankfully they allow the conversation to move along, only occasionally pausing to release an unstoppable chuckle.

"Yeah I think so, just the kitchen to do." Louis answers after a light laugh and we continue on with the job at hand.

The tidying probably takes about an hour in total considering the joking around, Danielle and Liam emerge from cleaning the bathroom and join to help us in the kitchen. After everything's tidy I don't hesitate to get rid of the group and just lounge on the couch, how can you get this tired after cleaning?

I decide to text Odette, I suppose it would be a good idea if I actually invited her to the date instead of assuming that she'll go, she probably won't, too busy I suppose.

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