Shy Smiles; Playfull Kisses.

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I've been texting Odette all day during work and she informed me that she's just got home, so I'm driving there to pick her up; I've decided that today I will take her to my work, show her around and introduce her to a few people.

She's helped me so much during this project and she seems to really enjoy the topic, I mean, obviously she would considering it's about her home country.

I have to go into work today anyway, I'm at the halfway period of my project and Margaret has called me in so she can check my progress and make sure it's up to her standard, which I'm positive that it will be. I've also told Margaret about Odette's contribution and she seems more than interested to meet the silent beauty that is my neighbour.

Harry: I'm outside .x

I text her quickly, her slim frame coming running out of the apartment building minutes later as I wait in my parked car. She is wearing a beautiful cream jumper with an elegant amount of lace added to the shoulders, plain black leggings that accentuate her long legs and some tan coloured heels that actually look fairly comfortable considering the thick heel.

'You look stunning' I sign to her effortlessly, watching that familiar blush make it's way onto her cheeks as it always does when I give her a compliment.

'Thank you, so do you.' She hesitantly adds the second part, not sure how I will react to her own compliment.

'Thank you' my smile appears, I can't help it when I'm with her, she gives off this incredible energy that just makes me infatuated and happy, I can't really explain it very well but she really is incredible.

'So where are we going today?' She questions with ease, already nervous as to where I'm taking her. It's clear that Odette doesn't really like meeting new people, although she's like that with the best intentions - she knows how awkward people feel around her, knowing that they can't simply converse with speech.

"I'm taking you to my work, my boss want to see how the project is coming along." I finish, my eyes focused on the road as I near the familiar car park, "she also wants to meet you." I add on, already knowing how nervous Odette will be.

'How is that going to work Harry? It'll be so awkward, and in front of your boss too!' She stress', her newly painted pastel orange fingernails going up to frustratingly rub against her temples, attempting to get rid of this new found stress, although, I don't think it's really working.

"I told her about your condition, and I can interpret for you. I've learned a lot now. You've been teaching me everyday Odette, have a little faith." I reply cheekily, her hand balling into a small fist a she nudges my shoulder playfully.

I park easily in an empty space and grab my laptop from the back seat, guiding Odette inside the building and into the elevator. The ride up is silent, but it's a comfortable silence, she seems completely in awe with the building and to be honest I don't blame her, it's magnificently vast. My free arm wraps tightly around Odette's waist, making yet another small blush appear on her hanging head as she tries to conceal it.

We walk through the corridor and past all of the other interns, I give several of them a wave or a handshake as a hello considering I haven't seen them in two weeks; Odette remains quiet and shy as I predicted she would, giving the odd small smile to someone who passes her.

My wrist knocks onto Margaret's glass office door before slithering back around Odette's waist, my boss' name engraved onto the frosty glass. "Come in!" She tells from the other side of the door. "Harry! There you are!" The familiar woman grins once we enter, closing the glass door behind us.

"Good Afternoon Margaret. This is Odette LeFevre." I smile smugly at myself as I speak Odette's name, knowing my accent and pronunciation was on point, I guess all those videos from the Internet really paid off.

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