Cara; Aquatic Dances.

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My feverish green eyes remain engaged in conversation with the table but still manage to maintain their fixed position every now and then on the balcony entrance, I can't see either member of my party and my apprehension begins to rise. Where are they? Are they even talking to each other or are they just stood outside together? Don't be stupid Harry of course they are talking to each other, they obviously know each other or have done in the past.

My internal battle is put on pause as Ethan address' me, "Harry, how is your cost saving project coming along?" I ready myself to answer his question, however his wife Carmen stops me before I can.

"Oh please Ethan, don't discuss work when you are out for dinner." She squirms, obviously used to having him drone on about the business.

"A business dinner my love." He answers without hesitation, emphasising the fact that for this one occasion he is actually allowed to discuss his work. She rolls her eyes and allows him to continue begrudgingly, "so Harry, how is your project doing?"

My apprehensive eyes glance towards Carmen and give her an apologetic smile before answering Ethan's question, "It's going well so far, I sent an email to all of our colleagues on the third floor and informed them about a company forum, and if they have any cost saving ideas they are urged to input them into the forum. I have only included the staff on the third floor as a trial run, if it is a success then I will widen it to the whole branch, and again to the branches in the region and so on. We have incredible staff sir, with incredible ideas - and I think that we should give them all the ability to be heard."

He nods in agreement, with raised eyebrows and astonishment, he faces his father and William. "Told you he was good." I hear a familiar mutter from the old man to my right, William slurping his soup after his subtle I-told-you-so comment. "Did you tell them about your IT efficiency programme as well? And the LOC?" William asks me as a droplet of his soup lands on his newly washed tie.

"Ahh I've heard about that," Ethan starts, sitting up straight in his chair, "that's a brilliant idea, and a good investment. A very logical way of dealing with the finances as well, I was very impressed when I saw the paperwork in your office, well done sir. We must definitely do that."

With a grateful smile my eager eyes glance back towards the balcony and watch as Odette rushes away with damp cheeks and tear stained eyes, my body flames and my vision turns crimson. Why. Is. She. Crying.

"Excuse me." I stand strongly, and without a response walk straight over to the balcony to find the culprit, I have a few minutes before Odette returns from what I assume will be the lavatory, so in that time I will scold the son of a bitch that made her cry! My feet carry me faster than I could ever expect and without blinking I stare at my target, he stands with his back to me, elbows resting on the balcony's railing and peering over into the fountain; I yank him forcefully and turn him to face me, making sure his back is firmly placed against the railing - all memory of him being my superior fades as the image of a crying lover floods my senses. "Why is she crying Wesley? What the fuck did you say to her?!"

I take a second to examine his features, he too has damp cheeks and tear stained eyes, why are they both crying? I release his bunched up shirt from my palms and take a step back, not knowing what the hell is going on. His eyes are deep red and bloodshot as he takes a breath in to answer me. 'Harry stop!' A small frail body puts itself between mine and Wesley's and she stares back at me more composed than when I last laid my eyes on her, my head shakes in confusion as I take another step back. 'We we're just talking, everything is fine, lets go back inside.' Her delicate fingers being to turn me and I comply completely, knowing the hold she has on me is much greater than any confusion I will ever bear.

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