Fountain Observasions; 'So Am I.'

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My morning has been isolating as it always is when Odette is away, which thankfully is very rarely now. Her trip to France, though rather saddening, has been the closure she has so desperately deserved, and her braveness never fails to amaze me; after all of the horrible things that odette has had to face, and of all the times she has been singled out because of her indifference, never once has she doubted her true colours. She is proud of where she is from, and even through the painful reminders she returns to her homeland to make her peace.

An incredible person, with an astounding heart.

Gratefully, today Odette and the lads fly back to the UK and I am taking an afternoons holiday to meet them all for lunch - they landed whilst I was in work earlier and my message from Liam concluded that they were going to meet me after dropping all of their luggage back at home. The lads seem to be desperate to speak to me for some reason - every chance I've had to speak to them they've told me that we need to have a private conversation about Odette's birthday present, which leads me to believe that Julia has told them all the details.

I wave goodbye to those in the office and leave the glass mansion that is my work before jumping in the car and heading to lunch. I'm positive they will all be gloating over their new tans and how incredible the weather was over there whilst I have been stuck in the rain, the lads have a habit of gloating over little things like that, it's all fun and games of course.

The restaurant we have arranged to meet in is in the centre of town down the main high street, little markets line the streets and salesman shout to grab as much attention as possible to win their commission, failing miserably I regret to inform you. My eyes glance over to the shops lining parallel to one another, the cobbled streets beneath my feet testing the heels of young women, and the conversations I overhear in passing are enough to make me involuntarily chuckle. It's been a while since I've walked down the main high street, I usually drive everywhere now - my subconscious coos, maybe Odette and I should take a walk down here.

Everything seems to remind me of her as I trudge across the street, heading to our meeting place, this last week has been agonising for me - I feel like it's been an absolute lifetime since I last saw her, despite the fact that we've been calling or having video chats multiple times a day, it never seems enough until I actually see her again. My heart breaks down once again at the thought of spending so much time away from her, I should have been there to attend her fathers funeral, but with everything happening at work it wasn't exactly a time that I could drop everything and go...again.

I had a call from my mum whilst I was in work this morning, checking in as she always does, and as always our topic quickly moved on to Odette, her asking when I was finally going to pluck up the courage and ask her to marry me. Of course, it is bound to happen sooner rather than later but I'd rather know that Odette is truly happy with me rather than making a big decision; I know she loves me as she has conveyed many times, and I know that her family approve of me, but I don't want to hold her back if I can help it. I suppose it's just cold feet on my part, but why would I ever get cold feet? She's perfect.

The main fountain in the centre of town that connects all of the adjoining roads trickles delicately, the water flowing so easily down the stone and pooling at the bottom with droplets creating half moon circles in the water, rippling against the calm. My heart beats further and my mind argues with my body in an intense discussion of whether I now need the toilet after my fountain observation. The restaurant is seconds away and I decide to hold it, knowing I'll be the first one there by miles, the lads aren't perfect when it comes to time keeping, in fact I can almost see Odette stressing about being late.

Thankfully the streets aren't as busy as usual, and when I finally enter the restaurant it is quiet. I actually like it more because it allows me to chose whichever table I'd like, I decide on a booth, there is going to be five of us so theoretically, it seems like the best option, plus they're incredibly comfortable.

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