Flustered Cheeks; Topaz Eyes.

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It turns out Odette's third job was photography. She takes pictures for a large company which they then use in their publications. She's basically a photographer.

Lucy and Ben are two of the nicest people I have ever met, we went out to lunch with them and just talked about anything and everything - they taught me some new phrases to use in sign language, which I'm really pleased about, and they shared some of Odette's more embarrassing stories which I found highly amusing.

I dropped Odette off earlier after our late lunch with the couple, and I couldn't help but let my mind wander to everyone's advice. The lads told me to ask Odette out on a date, and so did Ben; but how am I supposed to do that? He told me to keep things simple and not extravagant.

I lie in bed racking my brain for different possibilities or ideas she might like, but everything I think of is too flamboyant or cheesy. I want something simple, just to ask her out.

So why don't you?  My subconscious interjects.

Why don't I just ask her out on a date?

I briskly get up from my warm and wrapped up position in bed, and stalk through my apartment straight towards my front door. My heart starts to thump in my chest as I get closer and closer to my destination; my large calloused hands gripping my doorknob and allowing me to open the wooden door with ease.

Thoughts race through my mind; although I do try to calm myself and ignore my nagging conscience. It's something that I have to do, if I don't try then I'll never know.

I press the doorbell and wait nervously, my fingers occupying themselves by running through my long knotted curls; what if she says no? What if it ruins everything and she refuses to talk to me anymore?

I don't have anymore time to think as the sleepy girl herself opens the door. Her silky hair is all over the place and she is wearing some short shorts paired with a tank top that she clearly wears for bed, I've obviously disturbed her.

Her beautiful blue eyes look up at me expectantly, squinting slightly due to the harsh light in the hallway where I am standing. I take in a large breath at the sight of her, I suppose I don't really have a choice but to go for it and see what she says.

My eyes remain on hers as I bring my hands up in front of us, in clear view for her.

'Would you like to go out on a date with me tomorrow?'

I sign to her, it's simple and not extravagant in the slightest, so hopefully she'll appreciate it. Her precious ocean blue orbs focus entirely on my hands, watching the slow and nervous movements as I attempt to sign an actual sentence.

She looks up at me immediately, and her jaw falls slightly in astonishment; she clearly wasn't expecting my blunt question. Although after a few minutes she seems to come back to reality, her astonishment changing into an obvious blush, and then into a shy and coy smile.

She then does that cute glance, then glance away thing that I like.

'Yes.' She signs sweetly, her eyes never leaving mine. And that's when she does something completely unexpected; she takes a step forward, rises to the tips of her toes and plants her soft luscious lips to my flustered cheek. 'Goodnight Harry.' She smiles before sinking backwards into her apartment and disappearing from my view.


It's fair to say I could hardly sleep last night from the excitement. I'm nervous and exhilarated at the same time, I just hope that everything will go smoothly and I won't embarrass myself as per usual.

However due to Odette's easy going personality, I don't think she is that bothered by my embarrassing moments but rather takes them in her stride; I make her laugh and that's one of the things I love about our relationship, because even the simplest things make her happy and seeing her smile is the most rewarding thing in the world.

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