Three Dogs; Stealing.

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After walking Odette home, we agreed that I would come and visit her in work - considering she visits me almost everyday, I'd like to know what she does and what she wants to achieve in life. I'm sorry if that sounds cheesy but it's true, you know when you really like someone and you would do anything to spend as much time with them as you can? Well that's what's happening here.

The walk home felt long, we talked about everything and anything, just getting to know one another. As you do.

The lads came over a few hours ago, they decided my apartment for tonight and Niall's for tomorrow night. I love the fact that we sleep at each other's apartments, it's like a lads night in but every night. I mean we don't really do anything extravagant, we just mess about and do stupid things like pull pranks on each other. But it's great having four mates like them.

I'm wondering what it's going to be like at Odette's work tomorrow, I mean I don't really know what to expect although I'm rather excited. It's another area of her life that I can learn about, it's another part of her mystery that I'm revealing, and I smile automatically at the thought of it.

Although, at the same time I'm nervous. Who knows what I might see, or who I might meet. Oh god, I hope I don't meet a jealous ex-boyfriend or her really attractive boss that I'm going to have to keep her away from.

"Harry!" A familiar Irish voice pulls me from my intent thoughts and my eyes scan wondrously around the room, the four familiar faces of my friends looking at me expectantly.

"Sorry, what did you say?" I ask shaking my head from me previous thoughts.

I watch Zayn roll his eyes with a smirk, "nothing mate." He chuckles along with the others. My wandering thoughts are nothing new to the group nowadays, it's apparent what - or should I say who - I'm thinking about. I just can't get her off my mind.

"Sorry guys." I reply honestly, I do feel bad for them having to listen to my constant rambling about Odette; although every time I apologise, they wave it off and chuckle. It reminds me of when they all first met their girlfriends, I think that's why they let me go on and on, because I had to sit and listen them when they went through this stage of first attraction.

"Tell us what's on your mind mate." Liam speaks, trying to ease my mind of it's problems and probing questions. I don't really like annoying them with things like this, I should be able to make these decisions on my own, but this time I just don't know.

"Do you guys think I should ask Odette out? Like on a date?" I question them, speaking aloud my wandering thoughts. Hopefully they'll be able to give me some constructive advice, because at the minute, I have no idea what to do about it. "Or is it too soon? I don't want to rush her-"

"Harry! Relax!" Louis chuckles at my scattered behaviour. "You guys see each other almost every day, personally I think you should." He shrugs, his ocean blue eyes conveying the honesty in his words.

"Yeah Harry, it's obvious that you like her, so go for it." Liam includes.

"And even if she says no, you can still be friends until she feels ready to be in a relationship." I suppose they're all right, I don't really want to lose the relationship I currently have with Odette and if it means I have to wait for something more, then I will.

But how do I ask her? I have no idea, I suppose I haven't really thought this all through very well; I don't want to look stupid in front of her but I'm clueless - she isn't like any other girl I've met before. She's pure, and caring, and innocent, she could accomplish anything if she put her mind to it and she values everything that she has. She doesn't wear short skirts or low cut tops, she's a lady and that's what I respect.

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