Letter 'F's; Chair hiding.

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"Shhh, be quiet."

"Louis shut up or you'll wake him up!"

I hear familiar voices in my ear as I awaken from my sleep. We all slept at Zayn's last night, Liam slept in the guest room, Zayn in his own room whilst me, Niall and Louis had to sleep on the couches in the living room. I like sleeping in the lads flats and having banter with them, but there are always consequences when you're the last one to wake up.

I groan slightly at the two voices knowing that it's Niall and Louis. The light tickling on my face stops as soon as I make a noise, and I listen as their feet scurry out of my direction and onto the other couch. "What have you done?" I ask hesitantly, not knowing if I really want to know their answer.

They both stifle a laugh, so I decide to finally open my eyes finding it difficult after eight hours of sleep. I glance up to find them sat next to each other with guilty faces, attempting to hide their smirks. "We don't know what you mean." Louis smiles, Niall in an uncontrollable laughing fit beside him.

"You've drawn on my face haven't you?" I ask knowing full well what they have done, Niall simply nods not able to form actual words as I make my way over to the bathroom and look at the damage.

As I do so I see my face covered in black pen, round glasses circle my eyes, a curled moustache above my top lip and black wrinkles here and there. I roll my eyes at their childishness, still finding it humorous though as I attempt to wash it all off.

The black pen falls from my face and into the sink turning the clean crystal water to a dirty wash as it tumbles down the plughole, I glance at my now clear reflection one last time before turning and walking out of the bathroom. "What did they do to you this time?" Liam asks, him walking beside me and into the living room.

"They drew on my face. So the usual." I simplify. It's not surprising that Niall and Louis have pranked me this morning, if it hadn't have been me, it would have been Zayn or Liam. And they do something almost every time we're together anyway.

"Oh right," he answers, strolling into the kitchen. His tattooed arm reaches up and grasps the frying pan to make some omelettes. "So considering you're not in work for the next month, what are you going to do?" Liam asks me.

I informed all the lads yesterday of what happened in work, they replied with smiles and then small groans knowing that they still had to go in to work everyday.

"We'll I have to start planning and researching my project but I don't know what to do first." I tell him, Liam has always been good at giving advice, he is extremely clever and very wise so I know his words will be honest and informative.

"It's about France right?" he asks to which I nod, "Well maybe you should start researching France and once you have enough information then you can start planning what you're going to do with it." he replies simply, finishing up the omelettes.

We carry the five plates into the living room and sit down, continuing the conversation for the rest of the lads to hear. "I know but I don't want to just find things on the Internet, anyone could do that, it just seems to simple and easy." I add. This project is meant to be a challenge to me and it will test whether or not I am ready to be accepted into a company. I want to make it incredible and I want to do my best.

"Why don't you go to the library then?" Zayn adds as he inserts a forkful into his mouth.

"Yeah, the Internet isn't the only place to get information. The books will probably tell you more about the history, whereas the Internet will tell you about tourist attractions." Louis informs seriously.

"And you can look at other information booklets for inspiration as well." Niall interjects; all of their suggestions making me take into consideration for forms of information.

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