Nervous Neighbours; Bewildered Stares.

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Tomorrow is the day that Odette and I are suppose to fly to France. I could tell she was nervous when I reminded her at breakfast this morning, the countless number of times she ran her manicured hands through her silky hair gave it away, I can understand why she would be anxious though - she hasn't been back home in three years, everything is probably completely different now. We have a connecting flight to a city close by to the small town where Odette grew up, and I'm actually really excited; it means that we'll travel to her town and I'll finally get to meet her family. Reliving precious childhood memories that I'm yet to know, hopefully I'll get to learn more about the complete mystery that is my neighbour.

Despite all the excitement, today is the day of the board meeting and the reaction to my travel booklet. I'm hoping Illuminate Airlines' CEO and board of governors are satisfied with the prototype, this promotion would be an incredible opportunity for me and I'm hoping that I actually get it; I spent an entire month of no sleep to perfect this project and I don't want to get a phone call explaining that my work just wasn't that good enough.

It's currently midday and I am yet to receive any word from the board meeting, Margaret left early this morning to attend the meeting - obviously they haven't set up a meeting to discuss one measly intern, it was a prearranged meeting but the topic of my promotion will be discussed nevertheless. I can't believe the amount of people that are going to be there; every director from each of the companies divisions, the CEO's of our company and the CEO of Illuminate Airlines, and then to add more pressure to my shoulders they all have to stare at one prototype made by an intern, from the third floor no less. Holy shit, breathe Harry, just breathe.

Margaret looked emotionless when she walked past me this morning, successfully giving nothing away but making my anxiousness skyrocket. This company is one of the biggest in the country and it would be an incredible achievement if I could excel here, the experience and prestige would be amazing; so many people envious of where I worked, imagine the amount of consumers I could help.

My skin shivers in agony as I await the dreaded news, is it good or is it bad? I have no idea. Take your mind off it Harry and think of something else, my subconscious hastily breaks my mithered thoughts.

I'll think about this morning. I found another note after I'd woken up, written in that same familiar cursive writing. She had slid it under my apartment door, and by the time I had arrived outside of her apartment, I could already smell freshly made pancakes and golden maple syrup - my stomach grumbles even now at the memory, it was certainly a breakfast for kings.

After a kiss on the cheek and a brisk goodbye I then made my way to the agonising hell that is my work. I swear the wait is going to kill me, it's been at least two hours, maybe they had a lot to discuss. I don't care, I don't care about anything other that what they have to say about my project, and even if they don't like it, I need feedback...oh god I hope the like it though.

A slap breaks me from my panic as the familiar bounded prototype that is my project adjoins with the glazed wood of my desk. Margaret swoops through us all and straight into her office, the etched glass door closing quickly behind her; I rush from my seat and over to the door but am halted by a smaller frame in front of me. "Oh," I breathe, my eyes glancing behind him as I aim for the door, "sorry sir."

"Harry," he calls and I turn reluctantly "Walk with me," the man asks, my head spins as I glance back and to from him and to the frosted glass door - I need to know what Margaret has to say, what happened in the meeting. I'm torn by my own kindness and my urgency for information. "I'll explain son." The man offers and I frown, his body leaned against his walking stick just like I remember.

What could he possibly want from me, I mean I don't really even know the guy - we've only met on a few occasions, so what does he want now that's so special? "Sit down son." His voice is hoarse yet strong and bold. "I know your mind is reeling, and believe me, I've been through that myself." His chuckle is comforting to me somehow. "I haven't formally introduced myself to you son, and I think now would be a good time to start, my name is William James, former co-CEO of this company."

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