Flower Shopping; Cottages.

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Odette and I wait patiently at the gates of the local primary school for Evelyn to exit, apparently she finishes mid afternoon and Odette wanted to surprise her by doing the school run; Julia was extremely supportive of this decision considering it saved her leaving halfway through a job. The school looks modern and affluent, as if a lot of work has been put into making it beautiful for the children, and for the rest of community of course, it makes me wonder if Odette ever went to an opulent primary school - if she was ever spoilt with luxuries as she deserves.

Odette seems a lot more excited than previously, her stunning eyes are glowing with happiness as she waits in suspense for her younger sister; other children begin to exit the school gate whilst I continue to observe her, that slim familiar body shifting and fidgeting in growing anticipation, these simple signs giving away her underlying joy, as well as the beautiful smile of recognition she portrays as she spots an oblivious Evelyn amongst the scattered crowd. Her slim arm lifts into the air and points to the sky, Evelyn notices straight away, it's obviously their way of finding each other in a crowded area; Evelyn's aqua coloured eyes widen and the already obvious smile grows infinitely, her facial features are so alike Odette's it's unbelievable.

Evelyn sprints towards her sister in a cliché manner, like something you see in a cheesy rom-com or period drama; they both collide at a brisk force and Odette is almost knocked off her feet at the contact - she smiles effortlessly anyway, the memories of a couple of weeks ago fresh in her mind as she embraces Evelyn dearly. Yet again their contact reminds me of my sister, and the rest of my family in fact, I should probably call my mum and let her know that we've landed safely.

"Harry!" A familiar accent cheers. I can't help but wonder if Odette's accent is as similar as the rest of the features she shares with her sibling. "I've missed you! Thank you for getting her here safely, she seems calm." Evelyn's voice lowers as she faces away from her sister, our hug meaning that I'm facing Odette's direction.

I spin us childishly to reply, "she was terrified on the plane, it was almost painful to watch. But, she managed to just switch it off and she's back to being normal again." Evelyn nods and releases me, smiling towards her sister, I wonder what all this means, what am I missing?

'Lets go.' Odette smiles and immediately takes her sisters hand, I trail behind as the two of them catch up - they occasionally sign in French and as they do I take the opportunity to admire the beautifully vast countryside. Roseate bedding flowers sporadically placed in tubs along the beautiful streets as we stroll, conversation so fluent as the sun chirpily beats down on everyone; children laugh and chase each other playfully whilst their families watch on in admiration - it's so peaceful here, so humble, I can't quite understand why Odette would move away from such an idilic place.

The more we walk the further we get into the centre of town and towards the hotel we walked from, apparently this isn't the way to Odette's mothers house but she wanted to get some flowers as a present; I leave the two girls when we all wander into the flower shop and am in complete awe at the ranges of bright colours I see, I don't think I've ever see flowers as beautiful as these. My hands skim across the velvety petals embracing their fine texture, every one having its own incredible story, much like people, like Odette in fact. I pick up a small bundle of pink roses and examine them, the petals perfectly curled and beautiful. I like these. I really like these.

'They could be your favourite flower.' Hands sign in front of me and I only just realise Odette and Evelyn standing there with a bunch of tulips in their hands, Julia's favourite as I recall.

I glance at Odette, the extraordinary blue seems to twinkle in her eyes as she looks at me, my beautiful girl is so happy, so in her element it's refreshing to see. I nod, 'they're for you.'

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