Not Like This; Submission.

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The morning of Odette's birthday finally arrives and everyone is more than happy to arrive early to start the gift giving process, in fact Odette is still in her red floral pyjamas with a makeupless face when they come banging on our apartment door and leaping through the living room. Our living room now consists of the lads and their girlfriends, Ben and Lucy, mum and Gem, and myself and Odette.

I chuckle at Odette's reluctant expression, she loves having her breakfast and if it were up to her everyone would be waiting patiently for her to finish before any unwrapping started, but outnumbered on this particular morning, she decides that it is probably best to agree with the crowd and begin her birthday. The day is completely planned, including: lunch, a trip around town, couples bowling, ice skating, a fancy dinner this evening, and then the best part of the day is her night in with yours truly. I watch on as she opens small presents that everyone got her communally, I told them not to bother with large presents considering their rather large contributions to Odette's main present - even though that's now been taken care of.

She chuckles at the few necessities that she had asked for, and rolls her eyes occasionally at Louis' quirky and unwanted comments in reference to the lingerie that the girls had gotten her - Odette's cheeks blush as expected out of the corner of my eye and I wrap my arm around her in response, still finding it so overwhelmingly adorable that she gets embarrassed by things like this.

"Okay Harry your turn!" My Mum erupts, her excitement just as palpable as the rest of the groups, no one can hide their smiles but myself, still unsure about her second present. My eyes shift to my mother and scream 'calm down or else you'll blow our cover.'

My hand reaches towards Odette's heart and I lay a kiss to her steaming cheek, "you're going to need this." I whisper against her skin, pulling the key she holds so dearly from around her neck.

Her body bounces in place and she struggles to contain her smile, I love seeing her like this; the white pearls that hide beneath her gracious lips beam as she nears the box, key clutched excitedly in hand, 'I've been dying to use this.'

The key creates a metallic ripple as it enters the locks, the internal cylinder twisting as her wrist slowly unhinges the lock. It clicks. It's open.

From Julia there lies a silk tulle veil, one that was created especially for Odette by an old friend of the family apparently - she both designed it and hand crafted the delicate work of art herself and it has been bestowed upon Odette by her wonderful mother. The silk runs smooth through Odette's fingers, the delicate material so breakable that she's scared to even touch it, the smile on her face beams at the present - something I'm guessing she's dreamt about ever since she was a little girl. 'Mama?' She turns to me and asks without a moments hesitation.

I leave her without an answer, taking my first surprise from the box, the velvet rich against my coarse palm - this tiny box is filled with so much hope and promise, the fate of our future rests upon her answer. I bend to my knee, ignoring my mothers physical squeal from my peripheral vision, and stare at the woman I am destined to spend the rest of my life with.

The beige living room carpet harsh against my knee, and my black skinny jeans stretched uncomfortably - but it's all going to be worth it in this one moment of heaven. 'Odette LeFerve. My beautiful, kind, intelligent and breathtaking neighbour, would you do me the absolute honour of becoming my wife?' I sign, and watch as her hands visibly shake whilst rising up to cover her mouth in astonishment.

'Undoubtedly, yes.' This moment is indelible, my minds eye captures it in an elegant frame and places it at the top of the pedestal that is my life; this right here, right now, is the moment I've been dreaming for, the goal that I've been heading towards and the most unforgettable few seconds of my life. I embrace her immediately without any hesitation and she meets me expectantly, the white gold ring glides onto her finger without any interruption and her eyes bore into mine in what I can only describe as complete happiness.

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