Chapter 3

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A few days have gone by since their date and ever since then Allie and Gordon have been connected by the hip. Today they were going out for an afternoon treat and were accompanied by Charlie as the three were going for ice cream.

"So," Charlie started as they were walking back to the shop, "if you were to have one superpower what would it be?"

"That's a hard one." Allie admitted.

"No, it's not." Charlie told her as he licked his ice cream, "Personally I would want to fly."

Gordon licked his ice cream then said, "That's a good one, I would have to choose that one too." Allie then nodded her head in agreement.

"Okay, so we all agree that we would choose flying as our superpower?" Charlie asked Allie and Gordon.

"Yes." Allie and Gordon said at the same time. They were heading towards Charlie's house to bring him back since he had some stuff to do. They were only a few blocks away when Charlie started asking random questions again.

"What do you really want to do right now?" Allie and Gordon looked at him like he was crazy.

"Where do you keep getting these questions?" Gordon asked the kid.

"Just answer the question." Charlie told them, "I'm trying to make small talk."

"I really want to dance right now," Allie responded, "and I don't really know why." Charlie and Gordon looked at each other and burst out laughing. Allie just glared at them, then started laughing too.


Once Allie and Gordon got back to the shop they continued working. Gordon sharpening skates and Allie working out front. She was checking out a customer when she heard the door open.

"Thank you, have a nice day." Allie told the customer as she turned her head towards the door. When the guy came in, he was just looking around. He was dressed in a suit and tie and walking around knocking stuff over as he went.

"Sir," Allie called out to get his attention, "Do you need any help looking for something?"

"No, but thank you." The man said. Allie just nodded her head. Shortly after Allie went back to the counter Gordon came out of the back room.

"Can I help you?" Gordon asked the guy. The guy turned around and knocked the hockey sticks with the one he was holding. Gordon rolled his eyes and looked at Allie, while she giggled. Gordon motioned for her to come and stand by him.

"Oops, sorry, got away from me there." The guy said as Allie came to a stop next to Gordon. "Hi, oh wow, yeah, you look great. Yeah." Allie tried to stop her laughter by burying her face on his shoulder. Gordon just flicked her leg with his hand that was by her. "Much better than your pictures." That was when Allie lost it and burst out into a fit of laughter.

"Thanks." Gordon said as he rolled his eyes at the two.

"I'm sorry." Allie said as she controlled herself "I'm s- I'm so- I'm really sorry, that was-," she cleared her throat and stopped laughing, " sorry."

"I'm Don Tibbles." Don said as he held out his hand; the couple shook it. "Senior V.P., Hendrix Hockey Apparel. How's the knee? I have a doctor in Los Angeles I want to take a look at it. He's doing great things with baboon ligaments."

"Hendrix Hockey, huh." Gordon said as he grabbed the stick. "What exactly is it that you want Mr. Tibbles?" Gordon walked over and put the stick back on the shelf.

"I want you, Gordon." Allie just smirked at what Tibbles said. "I want you to be the next coach of Team U.S.A, to become a household name. I want you to become synonymous with winning and winning to become synonymous with Hendrix."

"Wait a minute." Gordon said stopping him, "Y-you're joking right? I mean this is a joke."

"It's no joke. This is the real thing, Gordon." Don assured.

"You want me to coach Team U.S.A?" Gordon asked.

"Your friend Jan's been pitching you for months." Don told Gordon has Jan peaked his head out from the back room. "Gordon, what you did with the Ducks, there was magic. And we, and by we, I mean Hendrix Hockey, The Junior Goodwill Games, and your country, need that magic. What do you say coach?" Gordon just nodded his head and turned to Allie; she was nodding her head so he can say yes.

"Only on one condition." Gordon told Don.

"Anything, you name it."

"Allison Hathaway has to coach with me." Gordon said as he went to go stand next to Allie.

"Done." Don said as Allie smiled at Gordon and Jan cleared his throat which caused the trio to turn around. "Come on. Let's round up those Ducks. You got a lot of work to do." Allie and Gordon headed towards Jan.

"Gordon, Allie," Jan stopped them, "use this." Jan handed them a duck call

"Thanks Jan." Gordon and Allie said

"Go get 'em." Allie and Gordon headed out the door. Allie tried to contain her excitement.

"Okay, let it out." Gordon told her as he chuckled. Allie let out a squeal and started doing a happy dance. Gordon started chuckling again.

"We're coaching Team U.S.A!" Allie exclaimed. "I haven't had anything to do with the Junior Goodwill Games since that injury I had. Oh, I'm so happy." Allie started doing another happy dance.

"Okay," Gordon said as he grabbed Allies arms, "Let's go to Charlie's."


Once they got there Gordon grabbed the duck call from his pocket and handed it towards Allie.

"You want to do the honors?" Gordon asked her.

"No," she replied, "you should do it." Gordon smiled at her, and she smiled back. "Okay, come on we don't have all day." he let out a laugh.

"You're right." He blew into the duck call and out came a quacking sound. "Hey Charlie!" They then saw Charlie poke his head out of his window. Allie waved at him with a smile on her face while Gordon said,

"Hey! You want to play some hockey?"

A few minutes later Charlie came outside where the two adults were. Gordon handed Charlie the duck call.

"Go get everyone." Gordon said, and with that Charlie took off. Gordon turned towards Allie; she was biting her lip trying not to smile so wide.

"What?" Gordon asked her.

"We're coaching Team U.S.A.!" Allie said excitedly one again. Gordon just laughed at his girlfriend and looked at her with love in his eyes.

"I love you." Gordon told her with a smile on his face. Allie walked up to his and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"I love you too Gordon Bombay."

"Okay, let's go to the place where we're supposed to meet them." Gordon said as he grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers.

"We're going to get ice cream on the way, right?" Allie asked him.

"Uh, yeah." Gordon responded.

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