Chapter 9

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"Ladies and gentlemen Team USA hockey." Don introduced as everyone at the press conference applauded. "And the two wonderful people chosen to lead them to the gold, Gordon Bombay and Allison Hathaway." Gordon grabbed Allies hand and led her to the podium as the crowd applauded again.

"Bring the bear up here." Don added as a mascot came to the front. "This is Henry the Hendrix bear." the bear shook Allie and Gordon's hands first then some of the players. Don was trying to get everyone's attention so they can take a picture. Allie and Gordon looked at each other before they looked back at the cameras and smiled. Then the questions came rolling in.

"Team USA how does it feel to be competing on the international level here in Los Angeles?" one lady reporter asked.

"Um," Gordon started.

"Love it." "Feels good." the kids interrupted. Gordon let out a small laugh and nodded. Another reporter stood up.

"Coach Bombay, the Vikings from Iceland are the heavy favorite. Their coach has already guaranteed victory. How are you going to handle them?"

"Um, hard work." Gordon responded. "I think our team is ready to go up against the best team in the world." Allie looked at him and smiled. She turned her head back to the crowd and saw the Iceland coach walk in; her smile faded. She thought she would never see him again and unfortunately, she was wrong. "We're not worried about them. Iceland may be tough, but, uh, we're Team USA and we're goin' all the way." Gordon finished as Allie tore her eyes away from the Iceland coach. The audience clapped at what Gordon said as Allie squeezed his hand she was still holding. They started to head off the podium when they heard a voice speak.

"Team USA's going down. That's where you're going." the Iceland coach said. Everyone just looked at him. "See you on the ice Bombay, Miss Hathaway nice to see you again." and with that he turned away. Gordon looked at Don for clarification while Allie just glared at him.

"That's, uh, Stansson." Don told him. "Coach of the Iceland team. He's wound a little tight."

"Stansson from the NHL?" Gordon asked. "Wolf "The Dentist" Stansson is coaching? You didn't tell me that." Don, Allie, and Gordon walked off and were stopped by a reporter. Allie couldn't help but glare at Stansson. Michele walking over to the two, semi snapped Allie into reality. She didn't really listen to their conversation as she was too busy in her thoughts. She fully snapped back into reality when she felt Gordon pull her towards more reporters.


"Tibbles, what are we doing here in Malibu?" Gordon asked. The three adults were in a car that drove them to this big house.

"This is your guy's new place, man. It's our way of saying thank you." Don replied. "You take care of Hendrix; Hendrix is going to take care of you." Don hopped out of the car and so did Gordon.

"I can't help feeling a little guilty." Gordon said as he went to open the door for Allie and help her out. "Shouldn't we be closer to the team?" Don ushered them inside. The couple was in awe.

"Woah." Allie said as she ran her hand threw her hair. They then walked over to the window and saw the most gorgeous view. "You know Gordon, I don't think the kids need us twenty-four hours a day. I'm sure they'll be fine in their dorms." Don just nodded his head.

"Well, I'll let you two get settled." Don said as he walked out the door. Allie and Gordon said their goodbyes. Allie then walked closer towards the window to continued looking at the ocean view. Gordon walked up behind her, put his arms around her waist from behind, and put his head on her shoulder. Allie put her hands on top of his hands and turned her head to give him a kiss on the cheek; Gordon pulled her closer.

"Can we talk?" Gordon asked. Allie nodded her head as Gordon lead her to the couch. Gordon hesitated but eventually was able to speak, "What was that comment Stansson said about seeing you again?"

"You remember when I told you about that injury I had when I played Iceland?" Allie asked him. Gordon nodded his head slowly. "Yeah, he caused that."

"Why?" was the only reply Gordon could say to her.

"Because I didn't want to go out with him." Allie told him. "I was more focused on my hockey career than dating somebody. But let's not worry about that let's just enjoy ourselves here."

"Yeah, I can live with that." Gordon said as he pulled Allie into a kiss, pulling her upstairs.

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