Chapter 17

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Allie and Gordon were in their office now talking about plays, strategies, and some random stuff. They were soon interrupted by a knock. Gordon looked up and Allie turned around in her chair; they saw Charlie at the door.

"Okay, I know with Banks out, we got a roster slot open." Charlie said coming over to their desk. Allie looked at him with a small smile and nod, while Gordon let out a small yeah. "Know how I always told you I'd make a better coach than a player? I did some scouting for us. Come on in!" soon a kid came in with his skates and a stick. Charlie pointed at him, "Russ Tyler." Then pointed at Allie and Gordon, "Coach Bombay and Coach Hathaway."

"Hiya, coaches." Russ said.

"Russ Tyler, huh." Gordon said while Allie looked at him.

"The kid with the big mouth, right?" Allie asked pointing at him; Russ nodded. "I like you."

"Well Russ, what can you do for the team?" Gordon asked.

"You never heard of my knucklepuck?" Russ asked faking offense.

"Sorry, what?" Allie asked while Gordon said, "Knucklepuck? No." Charlie and Russ looked at each other with a mischievous look while Allie and Gordon looked at each other with a small smile on both of their faces.


"Team USA leading Russia two to one here in the third period." The announcer said. "Russ Tyler, team USA's newest member from Los Angeles calling for the puck. He gets it." Allie had her thumbnail in her mouth biting it nervously.

"He winds up. He shoots. He scores!" Gordon grabbed Allie and pulled her into a hug.

"What the hell just happened?" Allie asked still shocked at what Russ just did.

"I don't know but that was amazing." Gordon replied.


"I told him no visitors, but he wanted to congratulate you anyway." Gordon said as the kids saw a man enter the locker room.

"That's Wayne Gretzky." Jesse said just as shocked as the other players. The kids started crowding him while Allie was trying to suppress her laughter by burying her head into Gordons' shoulder.

"Okay everyone picture time!" Allie shouted. The kids, Wayne, Don, MacKay, Jan, Gordon, and Allie all huddled up to take a picture.

"Okay, say hockey." The photographer shouted.

"Hockey." Everyone said back. After the picture Gordon pulled Allie aside.

"I want to give you this back." Gordon said handing Allie his Ducks letterman jacket. Allie grabbed it and put it on.

"Look it still fits." Allie said showing it off. "Thank you, because if I'm being honest, I was probably going to steal it back at some point." Gordon smiled at her as Allie pulled him into a kiss.

"Hey!" "Woah, no!" "Not here!" the kids shouted. Allie and Gordon pulled away laughing at them.

"Oh, yeah?" Gordon asked then pulled Allie in for another kiss as the kids were shouting at them in a playful manner.


Gordon was sitting on their bed looking over some new plays they were discussing earlier that day. Allie came out of the bathroom wearing a long tee shirt as pajamas. She crawled onto the bed.

"Come on, let's take a small break from these." Allie said grabbing the play books and putting them by her nightstand. Gordon just looked at her. "Why don't we celebrate us making it to the finals." She suggested straddling his lap; he looked at her eyes, then her lips, and back at her eyes.

"Yeah, how?" he asked putting his hands on her hips.

"By watching a movie." Allie stated playfully as she kissed his lips. Every minute that passed the kiss got more heated. Gordon then moved his lips down to her neck as she tugged on his hair; Gordon pulled Allies' shirt off then connected their lips again. He flipped her over so now he was on top of her.


At around eight-thirty in the morning Gordon woke up and looked over at Allie who was sleeping peacefully. He placed a few light kisses on her neck that finally woke her up.

"Good morning." Allie said smiling at him.

"Morning." Gordon said smiling back. "You're really good at throwing celebrations."

"I know." Allie said giving him a smile. Gordon let out a small laugh. "We should do it again sometime."

"I agree." Gordon told her as he placed a kiss on her forehead. He rolled over on the bed and grabbed his pants off the floor and put them on.

"Why are we up so early? We're not really doing anything today." Allie said grabbing her shirt off the floor and putting it on.

"I'm taking you out for coffee." Gordon said heading into the bathroom. "We haven't really had one on one time for more than an hour." Allie smiled at him and got dressed.

After about forty-five minutes they were ready to head out. They headed to the coffee shop that was down the block. This was the first time, in what felt like months, where they talked about anything other then hockey. Allie loved it. As much as she loved coaching for the Junior Goodwill Games, she just wanted to be home. Allie didn't know it yet, but she would go home happier than ever.

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