Chapter 8

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"I don't know but I've been told." Gordon sang as he was driving the cart through the park while the kids were skating behind them.

"I don't know but I've been told." the kids repeated back.

"Team USA's gonna win the gold." Allie sang this time, sitting by Gordon on the cart while his hand was on her thigh.

"USA's gonna win the gold." the kids repeated once more.

"Listen up and listen good." Allie and Gordon sang together.

"Listen up and listen good."

"We're all headed for Hollywood."

"We're all headed for Hollywood." the kids started roller skating in front of the cart.

"Sound off." Gordon called.

"One, two." the kids responded

"Sound off." Allie called this time.

"Three, four."

"Bring 'em on down. One, two, three, four." they all sang.


"Come on, wake up. We don't want to miss the plane." Allie said as she woke Gordon up. Slowly, but surely Gordon started to wake up; he just laid there too tired to get out of bed. "Baby," Allie rubbed his back to try and get him up.

"Hm." Gordon responded.

"I got us all packed, all you need to do is get dressed." Allie told him calmly. "So, get up, get up!" she semi yelled shaking him, "I don't want to miss the flight."

"Okay, okay I'm up." Gordon got out of bed grabbing comfy clothes for the flight; he looked at the clock. "Babe our flight doesn't leave for another three hours."

"I know." Allie said as a matter of factly. Gordon let out a light laugh and came up behind Allie wrapping her in a hug from behind. He knew she was anxious about flying. Not that she hadn't done it before; it was just she was terrified of throwing up from motion sickness.

"Breath." he said helping her take some deep breaths.

"Have you seen my favorite bra?" Allie blurted. "I had it yesterday."

"It's flung on the dresser over there." Gordon responded letting out a small chuckle. Allie thanked him and went to grab it.

"Okay, let's go." Allie said as she but her bra in her suitcase last minute, then put on the letterman jacket.


Being in Los Angeles was amazing. The nice warm weather. Allie, Gordon, and the team walked through the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. They all walked through looking amazed at what they were seeing. Gordon looked at Allie and she looked back at him; she gave him an anxious smile while he squeezed her hand that he was holding.


Tonight, was the first game in the double elimination. You could tell everyone was excited but was nervous. However, they were doing good; they lead six to nothing.  Gordon and Allie were watching being really focused. Connie scored and they let out a breath they didn't know they were holding in.

"Yeah, high-five some more." some kid said, so Jesse turned around. "Man, my little brother could score on these guys."

"Why don't you go bother him then." Jesse shot back. The kid just laughed.

"I ain't even got a little brother." Gordon and Allie saw what was happening and went over.

"Hey Jesse! Quit gabbin' and get on the ice." he said. "Show us you want it son. Go!"

"Yeah, show us you want it son. Go!" the kid repeated Gordon. The couple turned around; Gordon gave the kid an annoyed face while Allie gave him her signature intimidating look to tell him stop. The kid gave them an awkward smile, mumbled something, and left. They turned back to the game and saw Jesse going into score. Then one of the players on the other team dove in front of him and tripped him. Everyone on the bench cringed.

"Face-off!" the referee declared. Jesse got up and you could tell he was pissed, so he went and shoved the guy.

"Jesse, forget about it!" "Let's go!" Allie and Gordon shouted at the boy. Jesse got a penalty for two minutes.

"Let's put them in." Allie told Gordon as she walked over to the other side of the bench.

Dean and Fulton were now out on the ice. They were coming in checking the other teams' players. Allie grinned at what she saw.

"Come on Portman, take it in." she said to herself. He shot and he scored. The whole USA crowd went wild. Dean and Fulton took a couple of bows; Allie couldn't help but let out a small laugh.

"Team USA loses the puck at center ice." the announcer said. "Here's Bellafonte across the goal line with a great move. Walks right down the front. He shoots, he scores!" Allie wasn't at all worried, but when she looked over at Gordon, he looked mad. Allie grabbed his hand and squeezed it letting him know it's going to be okay.

"Nearing the end of the game, Team USA with it at center ice." the announcer continued, "Here's Connie Moreau. Moreau stick-handling in the Trinidad zone. Moreau still with it, moves around a pileup, gives it to Kenny Wu. Wu, former figure skater. Back behind the net. Ducks underneath the check. Wu around the front. It's a wraparound. He scores!" They did it, they won the game. The whole team headed out onto the ice in a group huddle.

"All right, way to go!" Gordon exclaimed. ""That wasn't a game that was a statement!" they then all dispersed at went to the locker rooms.

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