Chapter 15

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A few weeks have gone by. Today Allie was sitting in Gordon's office waiting for him to get back. So far Allie has been doing more work than when she first started months ago. In all honesty Allie had been feeling kind of down today, if her and Gordon didn't break up, they would have been dating for a year. One whole year. She was sure everything would work out in the end; it always does.

"Hey." Gordon said as he knocked on the door. Allie turned around in her chair and greeted him back; then turned back around.

"So, I was thinking for this play we could-" Allie started but trailed off. "You gonna sit down?"

"Um," Gordon started as he cleared his throat. "Can we talk?" Allie slowly nodded her head, worried he was going to say something bad. "So, you know how today would have been our one-year anniversary?"

"Yeah." Allie said a little heart broken. She saw Gordon reach in his pocket and walked over to her.

"Well, I, uh, got this for you." he pulled out a little box and handed it to her. Allie took it and opened it hesitantly. She saw what was inside and let out a small gasp. "I know we're not together anymore, but I still want you to have it."

"I can't believe you remembered." Allie admitted, looking at the diamond earrings. "Thank you." she just had this sudden urge to kiss him. They walked by this very expensive jewelry store on their first date, when Allie stopped to look at the earrings in the window. She stated that she really liked them because they reminded her of the ones her dad got her mom on their wedding day; her mom always wore those earrings. When she told Gordon this, he simply nodded his head and made a mental note to save up for those earrings.

"You're welcome." Gordon said as he ran a hand through his hair; Allie looked up at him.

"Now I feel bad because I didn't get you anything." Allie admitted. "Well, I did, but you know." she looked down at her feet.

"It's honestly ok." Allie got up out of her chair. Gordon opened his arms because he thought she was going to give him a hug. Allie walked up to him and cupped his face with her hands and laid her lips on his. Without hesitation he kissed back putting his arms around her waist. After they pulled away, they hugged each other; Gordon laying his head in the crook of her neck and leaving a few kisses there as she spoke.

"I can't pretend I don't love you anymore because I still do." Allie admitted running her hands through his hair. "I'm ready to give us another shot." they pulled away from the hug and Gordon kissed her again, softly.

"Thank you." he said resting his forehead against hers. "Thank you for giving me another chance."

"Okay, now I hate to ruin this special moment, but we have plays we need to go over." Allie said giving him one last peck on the lips. Should she have waited longer to get back into this relationship? Yes, probably. But she couldn't help herself it was almost a month since they broke up and even though they were fine after they made up, she still felt empty inside. But now that they finally were back together, she felt complete again.

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