Chapter 5

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Today was the day Allie, Gordon, and the Ducks were going to have their first practice and meet the new players. Allie was putting on her shoes when someone knocked on the door.

"Just a minute!" Allie yelled as she was getting on her second shoe. After she got on her shoe she went and answered the door. When she opened the door Gordon was standing there in a bright blue USA track suite. Allie's hand never flew so fast to her mouth. "Did you lose a bet to someone?"

"Haha very funny." Gordon said as he rolled his eyes.

"Sorry, let's go so we're not late." Allie told him as she grabbed the letterman jacket off the coat hook.


"Tell me about my new kids." Gordon said to Don. He started with a kid who had tan skin and dark hair. Most say he was good looking.

"This is Luis Mendoza." Don stated. "He's from our Miami Club, a real speedster, incredible skater. I clocked him at 1.9 seconds, blue line to blue line." Luis started showing what he had. He started skating around. Allie and Gordon looked at each other with impressed looks on their faces.

"There's just one minor problem." Don added. As he said that Luis skated right into the boards. Gordon, Allie, and the kids cringed. "He has a little trouble stopping."

"Really? Didn't notice." Allie said sarcastically. "I could probably work with him." The four other new players skated over to help the fallen player up. Then the next player came skating up. He had the most contagious smile, but Allie's personal favorite thing about him was his cowboy hat and his ears, there was just something about his ears.

"Yee-haw!" the boy exclaimed. "Y'all ready to play some puck?"

"That's Dwayne Robertson, from Austin. He's the best puck handler I've ever seen." Don said as Dwayne started to do some tricks with the puck. Gordon turned to Don.

"You mean for his age?" he asked.

"No, I don't."

"Hey, this is easier than ropin' hogs! Yee-haw!" Dwayne shouted.

"I love this kid." Allie said randomly.

"More than me?" Gordon asked.

"Close, but not quite." Allie told him as she smirked. Don then continued to talk about him, "He does tend to showboat."

"Wow." Gordon said impressed. Next came a girl who had nice blonde hair and pretty green eyes. Just as Don did for the other two, he told the two coaches about the blonde.

"This is Julie "The Cat" Gaffney. She won the state championship for Maine, three years in a row."

"Well, we have a goalie, Goldberg" Gordon stated. Everyone turned around and saw Goldberg at the other goal. Allie and Don looked at each other thinking the same thing. They turned back to Julie. All the kids took their turn shooting at Julie, she didn't miss a single one.

"Well," Gordon hesitated, "we could use a backup."

"Yeah, Goldberg the backup goalie." Allie snickered. Gordon nudged her to shut up, that just made Allie laugh even more. Then the next kid came and put his helmet on. He looked younger than the Ducks and the new skaters.

"Isn't that the kid from the Olympics?" Gordon asked.

"Oh, yeah the figure skater." Allie stated as she smiled.

"Yep." Don confirmed. "Ken Wu, what can I say? I convinced him that hockey had more of a future. We put a stick in his hands, and no one's been able to touch him." Now they were finally learning about the last kid. He was tall and muscular. His jersey had no sleeves, he had a bandana around his head, and had a headset on.

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