Chapter 21

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Allie headed back into the locker room with the bag in her hand. Gordon was talking to the kids about the first two quarters.

"And if I become someone I'm not," Gordon said pacing around the locker room. "If I sink to their level, well, then I lost more than my knee. You understand?"

"Yeah." The kids responded to him. Gordon walked back to Allie and slithered his arm around her waist.

"We're not goons." Gordon started again. "We're not bullies. No matter what people say or do, we have to be ourselves." Allie looked at Gordon, love filling her eyes, and giving him a soft smile.

"You. Who are you?" Gordon said pointing at Dean.

"Dean Portman." Dean responded.

"From where?" Gordon asked.

"Chicago, Illinois." Dean responded once more.

"You." Gordon started again.

"Guy Germaine."

"From where?"

"From St. Paul, Minnesota."


"Jesse Hall from Minneapolis, Minnesota."

"Who are you?" Gordon asked another kid.

"Julie Gaffney from Bangor, Maine." Then all the kids took their turn saying their name and where they were from.

"Luis Mendoza. Miami, Florida."

"Greg Goldberg. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania."

"Les Averman. Brooklyn Park, Minnesota."

"Fulton Reed. Stillwater, Minnesota."

"That's right!" Dean exclaimed standing up and patting Fulton on the shoulder.

"Russ Tyler. South Central, Los Angeles.

"Charlie Conway. Minneapolis, Minnesota."

"Ken Wu. San Francisco, California."

"Connie Moreau. Minneapolis, Minnesota"

"Adam Banks. Edina, Minnesota."

"Dwayne Robertson. Austin, Texas."

"Michele MacKay. Duluth, Minnesota."

"Allison Hathaway. Minneapolis, Minnesota."

"And I'm Gordon Bombay. Minneapolis, Minnesota." Gordon finished and the kids cheered. "We're team USA, gathered from all across America, and we're gonna stick together. You know why?"

"Because we are Ducks." Jan said entering the locker room. "And Ducks fly together."

"That's right, Jan." Gordon said guiding him and Allie towards Jan. "And just when you think they're about to break apart."

"Ducks fly together!" Everyone said.

"And when the wind blows hard, and the sky is black." Allie added.

"Ducks fly together!" Everyone said again.

"And when the roosters are crowing, and the cows are spinning circles in the pasture." Dwayne spoke. Everyone looked at Dwayne confused but went along with it.

"Ducks fly together!"

"And when everyone says it can't be done." Gordon said grabbing Allie's hand.

"Ducks fly together." Allie finished squeezing his hand and giving him another soft smile.

"Now, new Ducks," Jan said getting everyone's attention. "And old Ducks must unite under a new banner, and I thought perhaps something like this." Jan pulled out new jerseys. The kids came and grabbed new jerseys to put on. Still standing by Gordon, Allie decided to take off her jacket since it was getting hot, and they had about five minutes left of halftime. As soon as she took off her jacket, she heard something drop. She knew what it was. Her eyes went wide; she turned around. She saw Gordon and a few of the kids surrounding him, shock on their faces.

"Well," Allie said a little disappointed. "I guess my surprise is ruined." Gordon looked at her then back at the test; the kids having excited look on their faces, looking between Gordon and Allie.

"Allie." Was all he could say.

"I was going to tell you after the game." Allie said quickly.


"And I was gonna give you a gift to tell you." She kept rambling.

"Allie." Gordon said looking her in the eye.

"I guess since you know." Allie said turning around grabbing the gift bag. "Here. Open it." She handed him the bag. Gordon took it and started to take the tissue paper out. Once he took out the gift that was wrapped in the tissue paper, he set the bag down. He unwrapped the tissue paper to get to the actual gift. All the kids watched in suspense. Once he unwrapped the tissue paper, he held up the gift. It was a baby size Ducks jersey that had number one and the name Bombay on the back. All the kids awed, and Gordon looked at Allie with happy tears in his eyes. Allie looked back at Gordon with the same tears in her eyes.

"We're having a baby." Allie said almost letting the tears slip. Gordon let out a little chuckle and walked up to Allie and hugged her. All the kids cheered for the couple, Jan and Michele too.

"We're having a baby." Gordon whispered in her ear. They then broke apart a little bit so Gordon could give Allie a small kiss. They broke apart; Allie put her hands on Gordon's face to wipe away a few tears he let slip. The couple then felt all the kids wrap them in a group hug. After a few seconds the whole group broke apart. Allie wiped away her tears.

"Okay we got to go back out." She spoke. Everyone got on their new jerseys and the adults got on their jackets.

Walking out of the locker room the kids went to go congratulate Allie. Gordon walked behind the group with Charlie right behind him. Gordon felt the little box that was in his pocket, that had been there this whole trip. Not the earrings. Charlie looked at him.

"You still going to do it?" Charlie asked him.

"Yeah." Gordon said still feeling the box, hoping the game tonight would go as planned.

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