Chapter 23

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Allie and Gordon were in their hotel room packing up some final things before their plane ride home. Once they were done, they climbed in the bed, Gordon wrapping his arm around Allie and Allie resting her head on his chest.

"You know," Allie started. "Since a lot of important things are happening, why don't we move in together?"

"You think so?" He asked.

"Yeah." She responded. "Adrian's going off to college, so he and his friend are renting a small apartment together." Gordon nodded his head. "Which leaves his room empty."

"Oh, so you're asking me to move in just to not sleep in the same room?" Gordon asked as a stupid joke. Allie playfully smacked his chest.

"No, the room is for the baby." Allie said. "I mean, not to rub it in or anything, but my apartment is bigger."

"I'm not arguing with you there." Gordon said pulling her closer.

"So, what do you say?" Allie asked him. "You want to move in?" Gordon kissed her forehead.

"Yeah. I'll move in with you." Gordon said as they went to sleep.


The next day was a long day. Everyone had to get up early to catch their flight back to Minnesota. However, that night Gordon and Allie planned a bonfire for the kids, so they can be together one last time before they went their separate ways. Nobody could wait for the next hockey season.

The kids were all roasting marshmallows. Goldberg put his stick inside the fire and the marshmallow got caught up in flames. Everyone started laughing as Goldberg and Charlie were trying to put it out.

"You're not supposed to light it on fire." Gordon said laughing; Allie resting her head on his shoulder laughing. Gordon grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers, never wanting to let her go again.

"I've paid my dues." Averman started singing as Dwayne started playing the guitar. "Time after time. I've done my sentence but committed no crime."

"And bad mistakes." Everyone joined in on the singing. "I've made a few. I've had my share of sand kicked in my face, but I've come through."

"And we go on and on and on." Fulton and Dean sang standing up putting their arms around each other swaying back and forth.

"We are the champions my friends." Everyone started singing again. "And we'll keep on fighting 'til the end. We are the champions. We are the champions. No time for losers, cause we are the champions. Of the world!" they finished the kids falling into a fit of laughter. The adults laughing at the kids' antics. As the laughing died down, they started to roast some more marshmallows. Goldberg lit another marshmallow on fire yet again.

"Allie." Goldberg said. "I need help."

"Okay, give it here." Allie said lifting her head off Gordons' shoulder and grabbing Goldberg's stick.

"So," Averman started. "Allie are you gonna name the baby after a brilliant red head you know?" he fluffed his hair and making duck lips.

"Averman I highly doubt they're going to name their kid Lester." Julie told him really emphasizing his name. Averman sat back defeated a little pout forming on his lips.

"Maybe she'll name the baby after, like, a band or something." Dean suggested.

"Or it could be something really elegant and pretty." Connie said.

"With a really beautiful meaning." Julie added.

"What do you think the baby's gonna be?" Dwayne asked.

"Boy." Charlie, Adam, Fulton, Guy, Jesse, and Dean said.

"Girl." The rest answered. Allie and Gordon smiled and shook their heads.

"As much fun as this is." Allie said. "Let's just take everything one step at a time."

"Agreed." Gordon spoke. "And besides I'm pretty sure Allie has names all picked out." Allie looked at him with fake hurt.

"What do you mean?" Allie said trying not to laugh.

"I mean I assume you've had names picked out since you were little." Gordon replied. Allie still tried to pretend to be hurt but she couldn't help but admit that she had.

"Yeah." Allie said nodding her head in defeat. "You're right." Everyone let out a laugh and enjoyed the rest of their night.

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