Chapter 6

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Before Allie went to Gordon she went to Dwayne.

"Dwayne, can I borrow your lasso?" Allie asked. Dwayne looked skeptical but gave it to her anyway. Allie walked over to Gordon.

"Alright, I'm having you take over." Gordon told her as he put his arm around her waist.

"Great, my time to shine." Allie smiled then gave him a kiss on the cheek. Allie went and stepped onto the ice and blew her whistle. "Everybody, bring it in!" she shouted. The kids came back onto the ice. "Okay, I want all of you to huddle together." they just looked at her like she was crazy.

"Now, or we condition." she told them sternly; that seemed to get them to move. Allie took Dwayne's lasso and gave one end to Gordon, so he can help her tie the rope around the group.

After they got the rope on the group of kids were not happy. They were all just getting annoyed with each other. They kept complaining about who's hands were where and why this was relevant to hockey, or they were complaining about how someone was licking them.

"Oh, I smell something." Guy said, everyone looked around making a disgusted face, then shouted,


"It wasn't me." Goldberg defended.

"No, it was me!" Dean shouted putting his fists in the air; the rest of the group groaned. Allie blew her whistle again to get them to be quiet.

"Okay, I'm not sure how I can make this any clearer. You guys are a team." Allie told them walking around them. "And to win this thing you have to work as one. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes coach." they all responded.

"Okay, now as one, skate." the kids did as they were told and as they went, they all fell over. Allie crossed her arms and smiled to herself. Then Gordon made his way towards Allie and put his arm around her shoulders. "See? Everyone goes their own way, everyone falls down. We don't want that, so get up and try again." Everyone got up to try again.

"All right, all of you move to your right. Now." Dean demanded.

"Who made you boss?" Fulton complained. "Everyone to the left." Everyone agreed and they went left. However, they fell over again.

"You know, you guys can argue all you want. However, I'm not untying you until you all move as one." Allie said shaking her head at the group then walking around them so they could get up and try again.

Finally! They were finally getting it. They were moving as one.

"You're getting it! See? Communication!" Allie said finally happy that the kids were getting along and working as one. "All right, let's turn right." and once again they communicated and turned right.

After they were done with the team bonding exorcise Allie had them take a knee.

"Now you guys are starting to look like real hockey players. I'm really proud of you guys." Allie said picking the lasso off the floor. "However, hockey should also be fun. Mister Dwayne."

"Yes, Ma'am." Dwayne responded. Allie smiled as she handed Dwayne the lasso.

"Round me up some stray cattle there." she said as she gave him a friendly wink.

"My pleasure!" the kids scattered as Dwayne tried to catch them. Gordon came to Allie so he can praise her for how she handled the team.

"You did really good today." Gordon said.

"I know." Allie said as a matter of factly. "I'm the queen of team bonding." Gordon chuckled at her. "How about some music?"

"Music would be good."

The kids played a few rounds a tag where Dwayne would try and catch one of his teammates, and if he did, they were out. After a few rounds they all started dancing. Dwayne was teaching a dance of some sort. Then they all started to do their own dances.

"May I have this dance?" Gordon asked his girlfriend as he extended his hand.

"You may." Allie smiled as she excepted his hand. They started dancing around along with the kids. For a moment all of Allies worries disappeared. The kids then looked at them and Gordon stopped because he was embarrassed; Allie wasn't going to lie his dancing skills were not the best. Everyone busted out laughing.


Allie was waiting outside for Gordon since a few of the kids wanted to talk to him. Allie was just staring of in space when she heard someone approach her. Allie saw Miss MacKay walking towards her.

"Miss MacKay, hi." Allie said.

"Please call me Michele." she said.

"Right, Michele" they stood there for a moment in awkward silence.

"You close with the Ducks?" Michele asked trying to ease the tension.

"Yeah," Allie responded, "I pretty much watched them grow up, I'm friends with most of their parents."

"That's nice." They both nodded her head, and once again stood there in awkward silence "Well, I should probably go." Allie nodded her head as Michele walked off. Allie had this feeling that Michele didn't like her so much, and Allie is one of those people who got sad when people didn't like her, so she made a last-minute decision.

"Hey, do you want to get coffee sometime?" Allie asked and Michele turned around.

"Um, yeah I'll have to see when I'm free." Allie gave her a smile and nodded. Michele finally left and Gordon was finally coming towards Allie. When he got to her, he gave her a kiss.

"We should celebrate tonight." he stated smirking at her.

"Celebrate what?" Allie asked with a small chuckle.

"An amazing first day at practice."

"Yeah, that would be nice." they got in the car and headed to Gordons's place. Allie decided to stay there tonight since they both needed to be at the meeting tomorrow with the team. So far everything was going smoothly; she didn't have anything to worry about. Yet.

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