Chapter 12

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Allie was walking back to the locker room after she found the kids and got the paperwork finally finished. She was trying to look for Don to give the files to him. The locker room door was open halfway. When Allie was going to open the door all the way she froze. She didn't want to believe it; this can't be happening. Kissing! Gordon and Michele were kissing, and he wasn't pulling away. She couldn't tear her eyes away, she was breathing heavily, and tears were forming in her eyes.

She finally looked away and headed towards the offices, trying to stay calm. She went into Gordons' office and set the files on his desk. She ran her fingers through her hair and tried to take deep breaths. She then took off the letterman jacket and placed it on his desk then left to call a taxi to bring her back to the house.


When the taxi dropped her off, she headed straight towards the balcony that was on the first floor. However, she was stopped by Jan; Allie was shocked to say the least. Allie had tears running down her cheeks and tried to wipe them before Jan said something.

"Allie, you, okay?" Jan asked walking towards her. Allie tried to say something back but couldn't. Jan came to give her a hug and that's when she broke down crying. Her knees felt weak, she wanted to throw up. After a minute Allie let go.

"I think I need some air." Allie tried to get out through sobs. Jan nodded his head and Allie went to the balcony. She sat down on one of the chairs and broke down once again.


When Gordon got back, he saw Allie outside and tried to go over there when he heard a voice.

"This is not a place for a coach." Jan said surprising Gordon. Motioning for him to sit down and eat so Allie could have some space, he knew she needed it right now.

"So, who's looking after the shop?" Gordon asked.

"We are closed." Jan replied. "First time in ten years. I saw the Iceland game on television." Gordon shook his head and rolled his eyes. "Who was that man in the suit with the wet hair? Was it raining?"

"It's a style Jan." Gordon said slightly annoyed.

"You looked like you just got out of the shower." Jan shot.

"You came two thousand miles just to make fun of me? You could have done this over the phone."

"On TV, you looked like a man who needed a friend." Jan said getting up.

"You don't understand." Gordon whispered. Jan turned back around to try and knock some sense into him.

"Gordon, when I told the Goodwill Committee who you were, I did not talk about your good looks.  I didn't tell them you would win at any cost. I told them you were a man who loved the game, and I told them you were a man who could teach the kids about more than just winning or losing. I told them you were the Minnesota miracle man, and only you could teach them to fly. So, be that man, be that man Gordon." After Jans' speech he rubbed his face with his hands in a stressful manner.

"I messed up." Gordon admitted. "With the kids. With Allie."

"I know." Jan said. "She's out there. Try and start to make things right." and with that Jan walked off to clean up.


Allie was sitting on the chair on the balcony with her legs tucked to her chest. She had a tear-stained face; her eyes have never been so dry. She heard the door open. She turned her head and saw Gordon walked out, she let out a frustrated sigh.

"I don't want to talk to you." Allie said starting to tear up again.

"Allie-" Gordon started.

"I said, I don't want to talk to you, so please, leave me alone." Allie said getting more frustrated. Gordon just looked down at his feet.

"Listen, I know losing the game was devastating, but-" Gordon started again. Allie let out a scoff and stood up.

"You think losing the game is what I'm crying over?" Allie asked almost yelling. She walked up to him, "Cause if that's what you think, then think again."

"Okay, then, I'm sorry you had to miss the game to fill out the paperwork, and-" he was cut off again.

"YOU KISSED HER!" Allie yelled. "You kissed MacKay while you're with me." Allie said hitting his chest out of frustration. "You said I didn't have anything to worry about."

"You saw that?" Gordon asked disappointed in himself. Allie nodded her head while the tears were falling on her cheeks. "That explains why my letterman jacket was on my desk."

"You lied to me." Allie said through gritted teeth. "You betrayed me!" the tears were really falling now. Gordon was now filled with guilt.

"She just kissed me; I was in shock I didn't know what to do." Gordon tried to defend himself. "It didn't mean anything, I swear."

"You didn't pull away." Allie said as her voice cracked.

"I know." Gordon said. "And I should have." he was starting to tear up now.

"You've changed since we've gotten here." Allie said a little calmer. "I want the Gordon who didn't care about winning back." Gordon was starting to get frustrated. He knew this was his fault, but she wasn't letting him get a word in and that was pissing him off. "This was supposed to be fun experience, and it's not." Allie walked away putting her hands on her head.

"Then maybe you shouldn't have come." Gordon muttered.

"Excuse me?" Allie said turning around to face him.

"I said, maybe you shouldn't have come then." Gordon said a little angrily. "You know how famous we could get out of this; how famous I could get."

"Oh my-" Allie laughed out frustration. "That's not what this is about!"

"THEN LEAVE!" Gordon shouted. "You're fired then." Allie looked at him in pure shock. She walked past him into the house; Gordon followed her. "Where are you going to go?" Allie stopped and turned around.

"I don't know yet but I'm not staying here with you right now." Allie told him. "We need a break from each other for a bit."

"Fine. How about I just make this easier for us." Gordon said. "We're over." Allie scoffed.

"I never said I didn't want to work this out." Allie said getting angrier.

"Yeah?" Gordon asked putting his hands on his hips. "Well, I did."

"Go to hell." was the last thing Allie said before she ran upstairs to pack up her stuff.

Once she was upstairs, Gordon went over to the counter.

"Damn it." he muttered as he hit his fist against it. Jan finally came out walking up to him and picked up the little box that fell out of Gordons' pocket.

"I said make it better." Jan said handing Gordon the box. "Not worse."

"She didn't even let me explain." Gordon told him. "I got frustrated."

"Well, then let's give her time before you try talking to her again." Gordon nodded grabbing the box from Jan and slipping it in his pocket again, a few tears running down his face.


Once she was upstairs Allie went into the bedroom and slammed the door. She leaned against the door and slid down it. She covered her mouth with her hands to prevent loud sobs coming out. After a minute she wiped her tears and packed up her things.

Once she was done, she headed downstairs. The sun was setting, and Allie was trying to think of where to go. She didn't see Gordon anywhere only Jan. She gave him a sad smile and said goodbye. She got outside and started walking, finally calming down, but still thinking about things. She knew they both said things they shouldn't have said. She should have just let him talk, but she had every right to be upset. Right?

She had been walking for what felt like an hour. The sun was down, and it was getting cold. She was now regretting giving back the letterman jacket. She decided to stop at a bench and sit down, hugging herself so she could warm up. That was when she felt someone put something on her to help her stay warm. She turned to see who it was; she was not expecting him.

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