Chapter 16

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"No!" Allie heard someone yell from the locker room. Allie, being the nosy girl she is, decided to stand outside the door to see what was happening. "You can't do that."

"Adam, you could injure yourself permanently." she heard Gordon tell him.

"You can't bench me." Adam replied. "I gotta play. All the scouts are here watching me. This is my shot."

"You're young and you're gonna have plenty of shots, believe me." Gordon said putting his hands on his hips.

"But my dad's counting on me."

"I'm sorry." Allie felt bad for Adam. She knew what it felt like to be benched because of an injury during an important opportunity. She knew how she could help; she didn't go to medical school for nothing. It took about twenty minutes in total to get the stuff she needed and to head back to the locker room. Adam was sitting there looking at the floor, Allie went and sat across from him. The kid quickly looked up and wiped the tears that fell down his face.

"I know how this feels, trust me." Allie said carefully grabbing his right wrist. She examined it closely.

"How do you know?" Adam asked sounding disappointed.



"Hathaway across center line." the announcer says. "She passes it to Davies who takes it across the blue line dodging a check from Iceland." Allie skated towards the edge of the rink tapping her stick on the ice to signal she was open.

"Davies passes it back to Hathaway. She skates towards the net with thirty seconds left to go." the second announcer commentated.

"Yeah, Hathaway makes this shot team USA wins the cup." Allie skated closer to the net and wound up to shoot the puck. BAM. Allie now found herself on the ice holding her leg trying not to cry.

"Stansson with a brutal check into the boards." the first announcer said.

"Seems like Hathaway can't get up." the medics came onto the ice to help Allie off.


"Anyways, the doctor said if I hurt my leg again, I couldn't play hockey anymore." Allie finished. "So, I didn't want to risk it. I had to be careful. So, I do know what it's like to have an injury during a big opportunity." Allie grabbed the wrap from the stuff she brought with her.

"I've been wrapping my wrist." Adam said.

"You've been doing it wrong." Allie told him letting out a small laugh as she finished wrapping it. "You wrap it too lose."

"Yeah, but this is too tight." Adam said cringing.

"That's the point." Allie said giving him a sarcastic smile. "Adam, trust me, I know what I'm doing." She then helped him put on a sling.

"I don't need this." Adam said annoyed.

"You want it to get better faster?" Adam nodded his head. "Then let me help you put this on." Adam finally let Allie finish what she had to do. "Okay, now get out of here." she finished sending him a small smile. Adam got up and started to leave, so Allie got up to and started to walk away in the other direction. She then felt someone tap her on the back she turned around and saw Adam. He gave her a hug with his free arm, so a side hug.

"Thank you." he said.

"No problem Banks." Allie said returning the hug. They then parted ways and went to do their own things.

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