Chapter 18

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Allie was looking at the test in front of her. She must have done it wrong, there is no way it was correct. She kept on staring at it confused. She was positive she had done it wrong.

"If you keep staring at it it's not gonna change the answer." Gordon said coming up behind Allie.

"I think I did it wrong." Allie said picking it up.

"How can you do those things wrong?" Gordon questioned.

"I don't know." Allie said sitting back in her chair. "I must have taken this test wrong. It says I'm introvert, which is so not true."

"Allie," Gordon started at he grabbed the magazine. "These are fake. You need to stop doing these in your free time, they're never right."

"Yeah, I know, but they're my guilty pleasure." Allie admitted giving him a small smile.

"Okay, we got to go." Gordon said helping Allie up. "We are taking the kids to have a fun practice today."

"I know." Allie admitted. It's not like they haven't been talking about this all week.

"Yeah, but I found out MacKay is coming too, and I know you don't like her; I don't either, but we need to be adults and be nice in front of the kids." Allie nodded her head at Gordon also giving him a playful eye roll.

"I'll try, but no promises."


They were all skating on the ice without their hockey gear on. Luis came up to Gordon and Allie and asked a question.

"Shouldn't we have our hockey gear on?" he asked.

"Guys, this is our last team practice, which means," Gordon started.

"The return of Captain Blood." Averman interrupted. Everyone let out a laugh, even Gordon. "No."

"It means," Allie finished for him grabbing a beachball. "Let's have some fun." She hit the ball and the kids started chasing after it, kicking it around. Allie was standing by Gordon; she turned her head and saw Jan teaching Don how to skate. She looked at Jan and tried not to let out a laugh. She then saw Don fall over the side of the wall of the rink. She covered her mouth with her hand and laughed.

"What?" Gordon asked skating behind her. Allie just shook her head still laughing. Gordon didn't know what just happened, but he couldn't help but laugh with her; her laugh was contagious, it was one of his favorite things about her. When she looked up she saw some people she didn't want to see.

"Oh no." Allie said Gordon turned around and protectively pulled her closer to him. They then skated towards them. Gordon went to go further, but Allie pulled him back. Stansson squeezed the beachball and deflated it. Allie looked at him with a weird expression on her face.

"Wow, so strong." Allie said sarcastically. Stansson glared at her and she glared back.

"Playtime is over." Stansson said as he skated closer to them. "We have the ice now. You and your little rink rats must leave"

"We're right here coaches." Dean stated. Gordon and Allie turned around and gave him a little nod to let him know they heard him; they turned back around.

"The only thing little was your career in the pros." Gordon said as Allie and the Ducks let out a small laugh.

"Not to forget to mention, uh, other things of yours that are small." Allie said giving him a sarcastic smile, looking him up and down in a judging way. The kids laughed again.

"Gordon, Allie, no." MacKay said grabbing Allies arm, but Allie shrugged it away. "Let's go." Just as they turned to leave Stansson said something,

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