Chapter 11

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Allie was running around trying to find Gordon but ran into Don. He stopped her handing her files full of paperwork.

"I've been looking for you." Don said. "I need you to look through these and make sure there are no mistakes and sign a few things."

"And why do I have to do this?" Allie asked him.

"Well because I need one of the adults to do this. Gordon's coaching and MacKay is busy." Don responded. "And well you're not really doing anything." Allie gave him a fake smile and said thank you then walked away.

"It's not like I'm coaching too or anything." she mumbled to herself. She finally got to the locker room and headed straight for Gordon but was stopped by Fulton and Dean.

"I'm sorry." Fulton told her. "I can't let what happened last night go."

"We confronted him." Dean added. "But don't worry we hinted at it." with that they walked off. Allie let out a frustrated sigh and pinched the bridge of her nose. Allie walked over to Gordon to tell him she couldn't make it to the game today.

"Hey, about last night," Gordon started when he saw her.

"Don't worry I trust you." Allie said cutting him off. "They were making out in the hallway by the bathrooms." Gordon and Allie slightly smiled at each other.

"Oh, um, I won't be able to be at the game today." Allie added.

"Wait, why not?" Gordon asked disappointed.

"Tibbles wants me to go through the paperwork." Allie told him giving him a sarcastic smile. "You know because I'm not coaching or doing anything important. I'm sorry."

"No, it's fine I understand."

"Tell me how the game goes, okay?" Allie said as walked off.


"Missing big Dean Portman. It's one to nothing, Iceland." the announcer said on the radio. Allie was listening to the game as she was looking over the papers. "Iceland outhitting and out-skating team USA all over the ice in the first period."

Allie let a 'come on' slip past her lips. At this rate she wasn't even focusing on the papers. Allie would normally tell the kids that winning doesn't matter, they just need to have fun. However, this was Iceland; she wanted the kids to kick their asses. Allie tried to distract herself by looking over the papers.

"... on the backhand, saved by Goldberg."

"Oh, thank god." Allie said as she leaned back in the chair. "Right, the papers." she straightened back up and continues looking over the papers. Starting with Averman.

"Sanderson over to Stahl. He scores!"

"Damn it." Allie muttered under her breath. "Come on Gordon. Do the wrap around play." she went back to looking at the papers.

She got all the way to Julies' paper when the announcer started commentating again. "Four to Nothing, Iceland, as we head for the final period. I hope Bombay's got some magic up his sleeve because he's getting manhandled tonight."

"Wrap around play, wrap around play." Allie kept muttering to herself as she was looking through the papers and making sure nothing important is missing from their charts. Allie wasn't really paying attention again when she heard something that made her finally look up from the papers.

"... Banks all alone. He scores!" Allie could have screamed if she wasn't in an office right now. After a few more excruciating minutes the game was over, and Allie was done with the papers. She let out a big sigh; she was so sure that if she would have been there, they could have scored a couple more goals. Now, it was time to find the kids that had misinformation on their chart and get it fixed.


"Damn it!" Gordon yelled out frustration as Stansson came over giving a sarcastic applaud.

"Where's Hathaway?" Stansson asked as Gordon just glared at him. "You probably would have done better if she was here." and with that he walked off chuckling. Gordon was pissed.  Gordon went back to the locker room giving the team a talk they probably didn't want to hear. Allie also wasn't in there because again she had to be taking care of the stupid paperwork.

"Twelve to one, Twelve to one." Gordon said pacing, talking with some sort of venom in his voice. "You know what word comes to mind when you think of that? Pathetic!" Everyone was looking at each other feeling guilty, even though they shouldn't be.

"You guys were brought here to play hockey." Gordon added.

"What about you?" Jesse asked offended.

"What about me Jesse?" Gordon replied starting to get more pissed.

"Coach Stansson knew everything about us." Julie intervened. "They were ready for us."

"And you spend your time driving around in convertibles talking to those sponsorship fools." Luis added. "At least Allie tried to help us improve our skills. She only ever went to the sponsor people when she actually needed to."

"Or hanging with the Iceland Lady. We saw you two Saturday night." Fulton butted in.

"Eating ice cream with the enemy. Huh, coach?" Dean said looking ready to kill someone. "How did Allie feel about that?" everyone started looking at each other hurt and feeling bad for Allie.

"Hey, hey, what I do is none of your business." Gordon stated. "Is that clear? And besides Allie knows the full story and she trusts me, so leave our relationship to us." Soon the team started to take their pads off.

"Don't take those pads off." Gordon added. "Everyone, stay in your gear. We have practice."

"Tonight?" Goldberg asked slightly annoyed. Soon enough they were out on the ice conditioning.

Even though Allie was starting to head back to the locker room that night she was stopped by Don who gave her more paperwork to do. She was there all night trying to get it done. So, tomorrow she'd have to find the kids in order to finish the other paperwork.


"All right, let's go!" Gordon said walking into the locker room the next day. However, no one was there. "Team? Hello? Guys?"

"I canceled their practice." a voice said. Gordon turned around noticing Michele.

"What're you talking about? Where are they?" Gordon asked, slightly pissed.

"They needed a day off, trust me." Michele told him.

"I need them here to practice!" Gordon said firmly.

"Well, they need to rest. You've been running those children ragged. They can barely stay awake in class. They're calling you captain blood."

"I am preparing these kids for battle. Can you understand that?" Gordon said raising his voice slightly as he walked over to Michele. "We win the gold; we go on to bigger things."

"Bigger things?" Michele said raising her voice as well.

"That's right!"

"Please! Gordon, it's a game! You said it yourself, games should be fun. Remember?" they argued back and forth a bit until the unthinkable happened.

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