Chapter 19

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For the next few days Allie had been spending her time in the mornings in the bathroom. At first, she thought it was normal because when she normally got her period, she would feel ill, or occasionally throw up. However, now that she was thinking about it, she was late. No. She'll be fine. Did she want kids? Yes. Was she ready? No, maybe. Allie decided to quickly run down to the store by the place she was staying at and pick up some pregnancy tests, just to make sure.

After she bought one, she went to go take it. She had to wait three minutes. It was the longest three minutes of her life. If this test was positive, what was she going to tell Gordon? What was she going to tell her brother? If this test was positive Adrian was going to give her hell, but that's not the problem right now. Allie looked at her watch, three minutes had finally passed. All she could do was stare at it; she couldn't look. She grabbed it and held it upside down so she couldn't see the result, she needed another moment to gather her thoughts. She was about to look when she heard a knock on the bathroom door.

"Allie you ready to go?" Gordon asked her.

"Uh, yeah," Allie responded. "Just a second." Allie put the test into the pocket of the letterman jacket; she'll just look at it later. She walked out the bathroom.

"You ready?" Gordon asked again.

"To go? Yes. For the game? Not really." Allie said. Gordon kissed her forehead.

"We'll be fine."


Once Gordon and Allie got to the hockey stadium, they headed to the locker rooms. Allie was starting to feel her stomach turn again because she couldn't help but wonder what the result of the test was.

"Hey, I need to go to the bathroom, so I'll catch up with you after." Allie said. Gordon nodded his head and finished walking off towards the locker rooms. Allie headed towards the bathrooms. Once she was in there she went into a stall and took a deep breath. She reached into the pocket and clutched the test.

"On three." Allie told herself. "One." She took the test out of the pocket. "Two." She took one more deep breath. "Three." She turned the test over. She let out a small gasp and put her hand on her mouth. Allie started to tear up. Positive. The test was positive. A smile crept on her face. Allie quickly wiped away her happy tears and walked out of the stall. She quickly washed her face and headed towards the locker room.


Once Allie was in the locker room Gordon came up to her.

"You, okay?" Gordon asked her once he saw her red eyes. Allie grabbed his face and kissed him. She pulled away and smiled at him.

"Never better." Allie responded. She couldn't wait to tell him. Soon Allie was called over by Connie. Allie walked over to them. It was starting to get hot in the room, so she took off her letterman jacket. That's when she heard something fall out. She quickly put the jacket back on. She cursed under her breath; she wasn't the only person who saw it. Michele picked it up and pulled Allie aside.

"I think this belongs to you." Michele said handing Allie the test. "I didn't look at the result I promise." Allie nodded her head, took the test back, and put it in her pocket.

"Thank you." Was all Allie could say.

"No problem." Michele responded. "I just didn't want to leave it on the floor in case someone else noticed. By the looks of it you haven't told anyone else."

"No, I haven't." Allie admitted. "I haven't even told Gordon yet. I'm not sure how to tell him." Michele smiled at her and whispered something in her ear. Allie smiled but it quickly faded.

"What if we don't win?" Allie asked. Michele gave her a 'are you serious' look.

"Win or lose that shouldn't matter." Michele told her.

"You're right."

"I'll call Jan for you." Michele said as she rubbed Allies arm in a friendly way.

"Michele." Allie called out. "Thank you." Michele smiled at her.

"Hey Allie." Michele said. "I know we're still not the best of friends but if you still want to grab that cup of coffee, I'll be free this weekend."

"Yeah, I'd like that." Allie said as she gave her a smile.

Just as Allie was about to go over to Connie and Julie, she saw Adam walk into the locker room. All eyes were on him; Allie walked over by Gordon instead.

"Coach." Adam said as he walked in. "I woke up and the pain was gone." Adam showed Allie and Gordon by holding the hockey stick in his right hand and moving it. "And it was all thanks to Allie." Allie gave him a wink.

"Adam, I'm sorry." Gordon said. "We already have a full roster." Allie turned her head and saw Russ take off his jersey; Charlie stopped him.

"He can have my spot." He said as he walked over to the three. "It's what I can do for the team. Let me do it." Gordon put his hand on Charlie's shoulder.

"Charlie, I need you on the bench, coaching right there with Allie and I." Gordon told him. The players started cheering and Allie smiled at Charlie. Michele came over to Allie.

"Jan said he'll have it ready." Michele whispered in her ear. Allie took her hand and squeezed it.

"Thank you." She told Michele. "Alright." Allie yelled as she clapped her hands. "Let's go." Allie, Gordon, and the rest of the team walked out of the locker room and out to the ice.

Author's Note:
Normally I don't like stories where the characters get pregnant fast, but I needed it for the storyline for the next book. I know these first two have been going fast, but I promise the next and final book will be more slow than these last two. Also I did write these awhile ago I'm just publishing them now. Anyways, hope you guys enjoy this little book series and I promise my other books won't go as fast as this, or have these unplanned pregnancies. Okay, have a good day or night wherever you are!

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