Chapter 20

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"Take a deep breath." Gordon said as the team skated onto the ice. "Here we go." They headed out onto the ice and headed towards their bench.

"Now the two teams gather at their respective benches." The announcer started. "In their last meeting Iceland crushed team USA twelve to one."

"Heads high!" Gordon exclaimed.

"Stand tall!" Allie added looking at Gordon and giving him a smile.

"Fly straight!" The couple exclaimed. "USA!"

"All the way!" the kids joined in. They put their hands in and broke apart. Allie had a smile on her face and when she turned her head, she made eye contact with Stansson; Allie glared at him. Stansson gave her a small smirk and a wink. Allie couldn't help but roll her eyes and let a small gag escape her mouth. Gordon looked over at her.

"You, okay?" Gordon asked her.

"Yeah." Allie responded still glaring at Stansson. "Never better."

"We're ready for the opening face-off in tonight's championship game." The announcer started again. "Team USA against Iceland. Lester Averman will move in to take the draw for team USA and off the face off, Averman gets knocked down." Allie saw Gordon's face cringe.

"It just started." Allie said rubbing his back. "We got this."

"Iceland physically dominated the first game between these two teams, and they'll try to do it again tonight. Guy Germaine gets knocked down in the corner. Behind the net, Goldberg cuts it off for team USA. Here comes Dean Portman; he's hit hard into the glass by Gunnar Stahl." Allie bit her lip; something she did when she was starting to plan something.

"Iceland out to dominate this game early. Puck is still in the USA zone. There's a shot from the blue line. Stick save by Goldberg." Allie felt Gordon let out a huge breath he was holing in, since she still had her hand on his back.

"Good save. Held in by Iceland. Goldberg looks like he got tripped. Iceland still with it. Back behind the net. Here's a wraparound by Sanderson. He scores! Iceland gets and early one to nothing lead."

"It's all right." Gordon reassured. "We'll get that one back." Allie started to bite her lip again having the gears in her head turn faster.

"Julie." Allie whispered to herself. "We need to put Julie in." she told Gordon.

"Not yet." Gordon said as he shook his head. "Line change!" he shouted. Allie started having the gears in her head turn again. She was starting to think of many possible plays. Yes, they did have many other plays, but Allie knew they needed something different. She was pulled out of her thoughts by Russ getting ready shoot, but just as he was about to a player from the Iceland team prevented his shot.

"Iceland with a one nothing lead. Throwing everything they have at USA." The announcer started up again. "Team USA has to find a way to get back in this game because they are being totally dominated by a bigger, faster Iceland team."

"We can't make it." Averman said worried. "Iceland's bigger, stronger, faster. They got more facial hair." Allie let out a small laugh and patted him on his back.

"We'll be fine." Allie reassured the kid.

"Banks you're on." Gordon said.

"Banksie." Allie added. "Be careful out there." They started again. Adam had the puck and was heading towards the Iceland goal. He almost had it until one of the Iceland players slashed his wrist. The kids were got all riled up about it; Gordon did too.

"Sit down, sit down." Allie said trying to calm them down. She also put her hand on her stomach starting to feel ill.

"Hey, Ref, why don't you call something? He almost took his arm off!" Gordon shouted. Allie walked over to him to calm him down but got dizzy. She lost her balance and grabbed onto Gordon; he grabbed her too.

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