Chapter 7

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The alarm went off early in the morning, and Allie rolled over to turn it off.

"Just five more minutes." Gordon groaned. Allie let out a tired laugh and rubbed her eyes. Gordon then turned to face her, "Morning."

"Good morning." Allie said as she gave him a small smile. "We should probably get ready we need to be there before the kids get there." Allie grabbed her shirt off the floor and put it on. She then went to the bathroom to get ready.

"Do you know where my extra clothes are?" Allie asked Gordon as she came out of the bathroom.

"Yeah," Gordon responded, "they're in the top right drawer." Allie walked over and grabbed some clothes then went in the bathroom again to change. Gordon finally got out of bed and got dressed himself. When Allie walked out of the bathroom, she headed straight towards the kitchen to grab some water. Gordon finally came out of the bedroom after about five minutes; Allie just smiled at him.

"Last night was amazing, thank you." Allie said.

"Yes, and thank you for the amazing night as well." Gordon responded. "I love you." Allie smiled at him again,

"I love you too. Now, let's go." she walked over and grabbed the letterman jacket, put it on, then grabbed his hand to lead him out to the car.


"Ta Da!" Don exclaimed as he reveled a giant size cereal box with the team's picture on it. The kids really liked it.

"Hey, y'all that's us!" Dwayne said as he smiled. All the other kids rolled their eyes in a playful manner while Gordon and Allie let out a small laugh. Don cleared his throat.

"Today it's a Wheaties box." Don started. "Tomorrow it's video games, action figures, lunch boxes. The sky is the limit." Gordon nodded his head and smiled a little. Allie looked over at him in admiration, she was so utterly in love with this man she-

"You're drooling a bit." Gordon laughed as he pulled Allie out of her trance. She wiped her mouth just in case, but she knew she wasn't.

"Am not." Allie laughed; Gordon raised his eyebrows in a playful manner just to tease her. "Okay, maybe a little." she laughed again. They turned their attention back to Don who continued talking to everyone.

"Now, just to make sure that everybody knows who you are," Don started as he revealed a hockey jersey. "Try on one of these. Brought to you by those wonderful people at Hendrix. Fulton there you go. Coaches." Don threw them to the three people. He then ushered the rest of the kids to grab their own jerseys.

"That's nice coach, but we're Ducks. This stuff says Hendrix all over it." Charlie stated sounding disappointed.

"Well. Yeah, they're our sponsors Charlie." Gordon responded.

"So what? Can't we be the USA Ducks? Or at least keep our own colors?"

"It's business stuff Charlie. Don't worry about it." Gordon patted Charlie on the shoulder, got up, and walked away. Allie gave a small sigh and looked at Michele who looked back at her. Allie gave her a small smile.

"Oh, by the way I won't have time for coffee, I'm so sorry." Michele told Allie.

"Oh," Allie hesitated, trying to figure out what to say, "no that's completely fine, no worries." she gave her a small smile once again. Why was this so awkward? All Allie wanted was to be friends with her, was that too much to ask? Allie looked over at Charlie who still looked disappointed; she put her arms on the kids' shoulder.

"It'll be okay." Allie reassured. "We'll still be the Ducks no matter what."


While the kids were at 'school' Allie and Gordon were looking over plays and practice strategies, etc. Allie kept getting distracted and zoned out. She was thinking about what Michele told her that morning about not making it for coffee. She knew she had to tutor the kids, but they had some free time every day. Did Michele not like her? Allie was like her dad, she always wanted people to like her, and her dad was the same.

"Earth to Allie." Gordon said waving his hand in front of her face.

"What? Yeah, I'm fine." Allie said letting out an awkward laugh.

"Are you sure? Cause I was asking about this play not how you were."

"Wow, rude." Allie said jokingly.

"Well, you know what I meant." Gordon said. "Are you sure you're fine?"

"Yeah, I promise." Allie reassured.

"I don't believe you." Gordon told her.


"Because, when you are stressed, sad, angry, anxious, or overthinking, you tend to zone out. Off in your own little world."

"Wow, you are very observant." Allie chuckled.

"You'd be surprised." Gordon said as he got up and moved to sit by her, since they were sitting across from each other. "Come on Allie, it's not healthy to keep stuff bottled up." Allie looked down at her hands.

"Does Michele not like me?" Allie blurted out. Gordon let out a laugh. "Gordon I'm being serious."

"Allie, why do you care if she likes you or not?" Gordon asked.

"I don't know! And I know that's not a good reason, but it just makes me wonder if I did something wrong. Did I do something wrong? Did I say something wrong?" Allie let out a dramatic gasp, as Gordon would call it, and covered her mouth with her hands.

"What?" Gordon asked starting to sound worried.

"It's probably stupid, but I can't help wonder, does she like you? You know, like, like you. I mean have you seen the way she looks at you. She looks at you the way I look at you. Do you like her back?" Allie ranted. Gordon grabbed both of her hands and rubbed his thumbs along them.

"Allison Jane Hathaway you have nothing to worry about. I promise you with everything I got, I do not like her like that. I want you to know I love you, and only you. So, believe me when I say you're the one I want to be with." Allie nodded her head with tears forming in her eyes. "I love you." Gordon finished as he brought her hands to his lips and kissed them.

"I love you too, and I'm sorry I even thought about that, I really am." Allie admitted. "I guess I got insecure again." she let out a small laugh to try and lighten the mood.

"No, I get it, I really do." Gordon said as he let go of her hands, cupped her face, and brought her lips to his. Gordon made sure to kiss her with passion, so Allie knew he meant what he said. He has gotten this talk many times from Allie when he got insecure. He only ever had to give this talk to her once before. They broke apart and rested their foreheads against each other, just enjoying the moment in comfortable silence.

"I know this might ruin the moment, but, um, do you ever want your letterman jacket back?" Allie asked giving him a small smile.

"No, you can keep it." he responded smiling back, "You look better in it then I do." Allie smiled a little bit bigger and pulled him back in again.

"Okay," Allie said pulling away, "we should probably get back to work."

"Yeah, but we'll continue this later." Gordon said.

"Okay." Allie giggled. See, she was just overthinking again. She knew Gordon loved her and wouldn't think about getting with someone else while he was with her. It was just her insecurities. She's had a few relationships where they cheated on her, not all of them, just one or two. They have only been going out for nine months but after this moment Allie knew she wanted to be with him forever. Wake up next to him, good morning and goodnight kisses, maybe even a family. She knew he was the one. And even if Allie didn't know it yet Gordon knew she was the one too. They both had this feeling they had when they were together that they wanted to last forever.

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