Ch.1 1: Who know's? pt.1

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POV; No one's.
Trigger Warning: N/A

It's quiet, Too quiet.. As Luz paces around The Owl House with a slightly leaning forward posture, her left arm neatly tucked behind her back and with her right hand placed on her chin as if she were a detective trying to find out who hid the body and what happened. But really, all she could think about was the Emperor, well, actually, his right hand man "Something up?" A tall thin woman with quite the white skin, a sorta worn red dress and slight neat rips at the end of it.

Grey, long thick hair with a gold and silver eye. Luz turned her attention to the lady with a cup in her hand with the words "Best dad" but the dad scribbled out and "witch" in red. The mug full of apple blood. "Just.. The golden guard. Do you think.. He's treated well at the Coven?" Luz turned to the witch before watching a little black furry demon with a skull as a face and big yellow eyes hopped up onto the couch. "Oh, The 'Bad but Sad Boy'?" Eda asked having her head lifted a tad bit, closed eyes and a hand raised up.

Luz nodded before looking out at the creaking door as a long, brown orange owl had popped in speaking "Luuuuuuzzz!~ Your girlfriends here! Hoot!" He spoke before revealing a lavender colored hair girl the was seemingly pretty short. Wearing a warm sorta looking weather suit. She made her way inside the home before being knocked over. A loud 'THUMP' could be heard with an 'Oof' followed behind. "Amity!" Luz squeaked. The two had smiled before chatting a storm while going to Luz's bedroom. Eda started chugging her appleblood before exhaling and tossing her cup away, luckily King had jumped up from his cushion and caught it. Anyway, everyone was on their way to getting warm clothes on for where they were going,  They were on their way to grab Titans blood. Some how in only half an hour they were already there. The smell of dusty, and crumbling rocks with a.. Tangy? sort of finish.. it was already an hour into  morning, to their surprise there were two green headed twins playing in the snow. it only began falling before the four had left. Amity had leaned forward to  land with Luz just dangling from her staff, getting ready to jump down. Luckily she landed.

With a roll before face planting and earning Eda, King and Amity to land quicker. Edric and Emira had ran to them to check her out but only earned a weak hand to show a shakey thumbs up. After getting their palisman to turn back into their original form, They came up with a plan, knowing that their could possibly be coven guards on the other side. 

But.. That was Hours Ago...

Hunter dashed on the other side of Amity with a yellow glow and dash of light. Kicking her in the side, as she had turned to him she managed to just slightly miss him, which ended up with the two to only know staffs and tumble.

In results Amity was able to sort of catch her self. Hunter had ended up rolling about twice before turning and picking himself up. But being a little slow he had got body slammed by Luz, keeping in a yelp Hunter kicked her off. "Argh!!, Why don't you just leave us alone!" Amity called out while having some sort of thick, purple slime come out of a bottle and wrap around Hunter, sticking to the ground. Keeping him in place only caused him to hitch his breath.

{612 words!, I thought about going even more, but I didn't want to put it all on the same page. Hope story is going good, please tell me if there's something wrong, (spelling errors, misplaced words etc. Etc.) Lemme know what you think in the comments! ^^}

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