ch.2 16: Hero?..

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(Ha ha, imagine having issues to the point you need an ESA and you got back from a BC(Behavioral Center) at least 4 days ago so now you have to make 4 chapters in one and listen to your family struggle but not as much as your anxiety and issues to the point you made this book out of it and two characters you haven't seen or watched in a long time, couldn't be me <3)

Warning: Intrusive thinking, intrusive lyric talk and might cause imagery


It was cold, freezing in fact. The air chilly but there were soft pop and crackles from the fire now just burning, its soft ember hues and yellow flames softly shading its surroundings, the bricks surrounding and securing it, now starting to get hot and listening to the burning sounds creak in Hunters lowering ears. He was laid on the maroon sofa, him lightly sunken into the cushions, man was on. 98 pounds for his age.. height,, anything ..... Hunter woke up startled, cold sweat running down his face as he struggled to catch his breath while clutching his chest tightly. Soon ushering down to his sides and feeling his clothing while he was at it, lifting a part of his shirt to the bruise on his side. Its gone, well.. Not that visible or that painful anymore. Put a bit of heavy pressure on it then you can really tell its there. Gathering his thoughts and indicating if he could breath properly or had any marks, more bruises or injuries on him. He exhaled very much relieved to know he was okay. 'Titan what a day..' he sighed, covering his face with his hands, his legs had abomination slime tightly around his ankles and spell cuffs on his wrists. Hunter froze, almost to if he was paralyzed head to toe, Going pale as one of his witch ears twitched to the sound of footsteps, it was dark but not that dark to the shorter one. 

{Warning! Intrusive thoughts, if wanted to read then read slowly, if n problem with this then read it quickly to get the imagery}

Hunter panicked, trying to stand up, Hunter fell off the couch with a loud 'oomph' and thud trailing behind, the footsteps getting faster, so did Hunters breathing 'shit shit shit' He struggled, tugging and pulling at the wrist cuffs and abomination slime, seeing a candle light and shillouhette he only choked on air, began shaking, struggling to breath, shutting his eyes tightly as he hoping it wouldn't be-"Hunter?.. Guys! wake up!" Luz called, starting to light more candles around with the one she had, the fire didn't seem to make enough light for them. 

{Warning over}

Hunter leaned on the couch while sitting on the floor, he had quite a big t-shirt on, that read 'My Chemical Romance' on it and a skeleton in marching band clothing, Then gray sweats and black socks. Typical clothing.  Eda, Emira, King, Lillith, Amity and.. Edric, all arose from places of the home, mainly the chairs or a big blanket and pillow nest bundle on the floor and or the bathroom. 'So overwhelming..' Hunter snapped at himself mentally. 

"Well, well.." Eda started while standing up and her hands on her hips. "Want to explain?" Amity pushed out, "Amity.." Luz spoke blowing out her cndle and setting it down before Emira sat down and shhed Amity. Eda pinched her nose bridge while sighing as King snickered atthe tied up blondie, Lillith wacking him with an old newspaper before looking proud and speaking up"ow!" he barked, "We don't let rats grow in here King" She sneered as he rubbed the back of his head and ran off to the nest they all made near the fire. "Okay, WHY did you run away?" Edric pointed out (maybe to get away from you bit-) again pushing through everyone. Stepping up to the curled up one, Hunter was quiet  and pretty still.. no.. he was still. Hunter rarely glanced up at the others, 'still trembling..' Hunter swore. "Why..?" Edric leaned down to the smallers level, 'maybe if I just..' Hunter thought, biting down on his bottom lip. "Maybe to get away from you..?" The blonde snapped at him as Luz and Amity took a few steps back, a bit surprised, Eda joined them, Edric was shocked but mainly taken back at what he said. King got up and left and so did Lillith, the tension, angst, anger and drama in the air was enough to fill a cup of tea..

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