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10:00Pm, Summer night.

The Owl House

“EDRIIIIIIIIICC, LEAVE ME ALOONNE!!” The smaller shouted, running to the stairs and immediately falling. Hearing a low chuckle turn into a laugh, Hunter scrambled up the steps consistently tripping and falling. Heavy breathes and deep panting was all he could really manage to get out. His left arm being grabbed behind him as he was yanked back with a yelp.

Breaking his arm free out of panic, he hit the floor. Letting out a whimper before backing up to a door, The blonde closed his eyes before putting his arms up in defense of Edric. The taller only stared down at the trembling blonde with a hand on his hip, inhaling deeply before exhaling. Getting down on his knees, He sat for a moment watching Hunter jump at his own flinching. The smaller noticing Edric had stopped trying to tickle him and had gotten down on his knees. Pulling his legs up to his chest, Hunter put his hands on his knees before looking at Edric. He cocked his head to the side, Edric copied him before blinking a couple of times.

Hunter couldn't help but laugh at that, Edric gave a hushed coo to the other before scooting closer and wrapping the blondes legs around his hips. Wrapping his hands around Hunters back and embracing him in a comforting hug.

Hunter didn't push him away, kick, bite, fight. He could only squeak when being grabbed out of surprise. It was nice, but odd. Edric usually isn't as touchy as he used to be. Not until the night he found Hunter struggling to get out of a river, crying and soaked. A sad night indeed. (Lol as if it was sad, Hunter curled up by a tree and then Edric tackled him and covered him in kisses  and even got him to stop crying so hard)

Hunter hugged him back, it didn't last long until he heard the stretching noise of Hooty, jumping and kicking Edric away and backing towards the door, the two looked at Hooty before he started being all giddy and annoying once again.

Edric grimaced from Hootys existence, getting up and grabbing Hunters hand and helping him up. "Uh yeah that's great Hooty, but uhm.... We're really tired you see— cutting off and giving a fake yawn before wrapping his hand around Hunters waist, earning a squeak and irritated look from the blonde. "And Hunters especially tired(!)" Hooty blinked. Edric sighed before placing a hand behind Hunters knees  and moving his right arm to his back, holding his breath, Edric Lifted Hunter up(!) And held him before feeling Hunters arms tightly around his neck, terrified of being dropped. Burying his face into Edrics chest with a soft and hushed whine. The taller lifted Hunter a little more before looking at Hooty and saying "See? He's exhausted"  Hooty stayed their, beak half opened and slightly wide eyed, turning his expression into an embarrassed smile and quickly nodding before suddenly going back to his placement in the main door.

Edric stood their, he could see in the corner of his eye that Hunter was very red, and very embarrassed. Edric looked at where Hooty was before looking at Hunter. A warm smile grew on his face before chuckling softly, heading down the stairs Hunter had mumbled something and had just let out a whimper. Edric began kicking off his shoes, since he forgot to earlier, made his way to the sofa and sat down, Hunter put of his lap as he soon got the into a comfortable position. Edric laid on the outside, on his right side so he could keep a grip on Hunter. The smaller, laid on his left side, so then he was up to Edrics chest and would sleep on his arm so the taller could have the pillow.

Edric scanned Hunters face, his eye bags weren't as bad as they used to be, his hair was in a small ponytail and he wore a soft light brown jumper, with black shorts. Luz left a big pile of clothes in the corner of the house, beside the fireplace. Edric wore this weird tee with a droopy smiley face on it with a light blue back ground. And some grey cuffed sweats. (Totally the best outfits to have gone in on a walk lmao.)

Edric sighed, Hunter pulled himself closer to Edrics chest and resting his forehead on it. Keeping his breathes content and doing his best to stay calm and sleep, Keeping his eyes shut, Edric threw an arm around him and pulled himself closer before reaching the blanket that had fallen onto the floor. Pulling it up and over the two, the candles in the place were bright, and the fire place was out, with a window cracked open for a cool breeze.

Edric closed his eyes, wondering if Amity was in Luz's room making out with her. That made him smile tiredly, resting his mind as relaxing his body, he could hear the soft snores of Hunter beside him, already asleep.

He gave a soft and soothing hum, everything was quiet, and still. Little creaks here and there from the wind every now and then. Edric gave in to slumber, slowly but surely drifting off to sleep.

Aight Bye. ✌️

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