2: Who know's? pt.2

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POV: No one's

Trigger warning;; N/A

{sorry, this a 'slow-burn' start off, But I just like the characters developing}

It was only a few minutes before Amity, Luz, Hunter, Edric, Emira and Eda, (along with King) were all walking down the Eclipse cave. Hunter still had his mask on, luckily, no one saw his face while he, Amity and luz were fighting at the entrance of the cave while Emira, Eda, Edric and King flew around the place for coven scouts, guards, Kikimora etc, etc. When the fight had finished they manged to hold Hunter hostage just for a little bit before he tried to escape. Luz had Rascal and his Artificial staff, so he wouldnt try any funny buisiness.

Not even deep enough in the Cave Hunter had taken steps back, Edric was behind him before the two knocked into each other. Edric grabbing Hunter and placing his staff up to his neck as a threat, well, sort of. He could hear the blight whisper "sorry.." before lowering his staff. Only Edric heard the other inhale sharply before tensing up, Under Hunter's mask his cheeks had flushed red and up to his ears only causing them to lower in response, 'Why didn't I notice a blight behind me?! when did they even get there?!' Hunter had mentally scorned himself before slightly being pushed up front. Only to have Luz move behind him with Edric move behind her as precaution. Everyone had ducked behind an old mine cart to hide from coven guards passing by.  Hunter being pressed up against the wall with Emira and Edric to sit beside him but in a stance to were it was easier to get up ready to fight.

Hunter had curled himself slightly,  honestly, he was scared(!!) he didnt know what these people/witches would do to him, (count Luz as a witch, sure I guess) He didnt know if he would make it out alive or just barely unharmed by them. Well, discard the fact that when he slipped and took a tumble he had bruised his left side. And it was quiet a big bruise.

Luz had stepped out before peaking around the cart, "It's clear" she spoke. Amity nodding, causing her to stand up "We need to act fast, sneak around the coven guards, grab the blood, be quiet and sneak out" she whispered.

{POV switch}
Hunter POV:

I watched as everyone get up before start quietly walking again. "I am your superior! The, Golden Guard! Set me free!" I had whispered yelled to the younger Blight. She only scoffed in response, "Not until we can trust you, which'll be never" she had hissed the last part. I was taken back, only my mask could hide such an embarrassed face such as mine.

Looking away, The old lady had spoken up, "The map says.. is that the lake? It's a blue glob in the center" she said turning it upside down and touching it before licking her finger. "Oo!~ taste sweet, tangy but good in all!" She said having Luz taking the glob on her finger and licking it. I only shuddered in response. The old owl lady's finger touching that and now the humans tongue is? Bleh.. Shaking my head out of thought I really should plan how to escape. Feeling a pair of eyes on me I had kept still but moved my sight to the one staring. It was the green haired guy. If I'm honest he does seem.. uh, what's the word? Nice? Yeah I'll go with that. Turning my face to him, he had gone a little.. red? Before I knew it, he had turned away in embaressment. My face was hot. Really hot, I-I guess I had gone red too.  Getting side tracked I had turned to the human before looking at how I Wes being held hostage. I thought of which staff I should take and that it should be Rascal, {little red bird}. Who knows. I may grab the other one.

I get in a sort of un-noticable stance while everyone wasn't looking. I mean, we were just standing behind another mine cart seeing if the coast was clear. Finding the broken lever, I had used it's sharp enough edges to seize through the abominal slime, before snatching the artificial staff away from the human and dashing off while holding up the peace sign and yelling "BYYYEEEEEE!" Behind me. Amity yelling from a distance "GET HIM!" while listening to them kind of bicker while I had been getting ahead. Jumping on my staff and watch the tip glow a red while teleporting further into the cave.

Being in that kind of stress had made me shakey and somewhat weak in the knees. I had to hold onto my staff for some sort of balance before gravity could take me, I was here, at the Eclipse Lake, but.. there was a problem, My eyes had grown wide, and I mean wide, Fear, Anger, stress, anxiety, all of it had built up in me. The dry ground underneath me was cracked and crumbled, the plants and flowers. dead and still wiltering away at a slow and painful rate. The lake was dried up. All the color to my face and body was gone. Panic had grown in me when hearing voices come from afar behind. "The lakes this way! Quickly!" "He might be here!"  Before "No time to lose!", I had already felt something land on my shoulders causing me to jump but look at that little red bird there just tweeting. I shushed at the thing.

I paced to the lake quickly, going to the center and getting on my hands and knees, I had placed my artificial magic staff near me. Starting to use my hands to dig a hole. 'This is now my grave'

{Story goin good I hope?,, Also! Edric and Hunter main Interaction should be comin up in the next chapter.}

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