14: Wait- Let's talk about this-

962 30 17

POV: No one's


"HUNTER!" Luz screeched running down the stairs, slipping on her footing and sliding down the stairs, it was late morning(tis 7am..... WhY ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?) and almost no one got sleep last night, Hunter's supposed 'babysitter', The tall animal, Felony Ferret(*cough* W e a s l e*cough*) had left at 2am due to that their friend nearly set fire with a shirt and a child. (how the FuC-) "y-" Hunter spoke turning to the stairs were Luz had fallen, her yelling and flailing her arms everywhere, finally on the last step se caught her herself while mid standing, The two looked at each other unsure and a bit worried, "You goo-" the blonde tried speaking "shut up" Luz spoke unexpectedly "I- pardon?" Hunter snapped back a little angered by what she just told him.

"shut. up." She slowly said, obviously making it clear while staring him in the eyes, he shifted uncomfortably, looking away before stepping back into the kitchen quietly, "Hey-!!get back here!" She scrambled off the steps and into the kitchen as well, "AH-" Hunter caught himself over the counter, an open drawer was in his way and he had ran into it with his stomach, leaning over the sink and having a coughing fit while Luz fought off a cobweb in her face, "will you two pipe down?!" King abruptly interupted the mayhem in the cooking domain, "its seven in the literal morning you guys!" he snapped, holding a old looking bunny in his clawed paws. 

Luz getting free from the web as Hunter finally catching his breath before walking up to King, staring down at him. Luz turning to the blonde and raising a hand, "I outta bitch slap you, you bird(!!)" Luz called, Hunter panicked and ducked, "I- Hey!" King had called out to the two fighting, "What did I do?!" Hunter asked, dodging a pillow being thrown at him, "You got to talk to the furry!, then you took notes without me?!" Luz spoke up, "You ca- oomph(!).." Hunter had been hit with a stuffed toy causing him to fall back onto the couch. "screw you guys! Im going back to bed!" King screeched, keeping a tight grip on his toy and racing up to his room. "Really?" Hunter asked sitting up, Luz rolled her eyes before walking back up the stairs to get ready for school. Another day at the weed fa-HeXSIdE(Ahem-) Hunter inhaled sharply, sitting back down on the sofa and exhaling deeply.

Lets skip this, shall we? 

"wait, wait, WaiT, WAIT!!-" Hunter ran away from Edric, "C'mere!" The green headed boy laughed while chasing the shorter one, The teens where outside the Owl House in the back yard trying to get some fresh air, early afternoon and plenty of daylight left, all dressed properly and comfortable for the outdoors, it was near the end of winter and spring was slowly coming along. Hunter ran for the bushes, he hid his staff, guard uniform, cape and mask somewhere around the area in hopes of escaping soon. Emira jumping from the shadows and tackling Hunter while yelling out, "gotcha!" while the two fell on top of Edric, the twins laughing, Hunter just tryig to breath, "That was awesome Em" Edric laughed, the first one to get up and help the others to their feet. "LOOK OUT!" someone had called, a frisbee hitting the back of Edric and knocking him into Hunter, Emira picked up the yellow disk and looked at it, looking up to see her little sister Amity running over looking out of breath, "hah- sorry Edric!, Luz was showing me how to throw a- a-uhm.." She couldn't remember the words, "frisbee" Luz had popped up beside Amity causing her to jump, "its called a frisbee, Amity" She chuckled, her cheeks a little red. Amitys face heated up, "u-uh- Right a-a Frisbee!" She repeated, embaressed but also flustered. "here" Emira handed the two the object back- Edric coughed in the background, he was still holding onto Hunter,as if it was a smooth dance move where Hunter falls back and Ed catches him. "I- EW" Hunter screeched pushing Edric away, The other three looking at them, "g e r m s" Hunter clutched himself while shuddering. Edric and Luz laughed while Emira snickered and caused Amity to smile and roll her eyes.

"C'mon, it's cold out here, don't want to catch anything before break eh?" Emira spoke up taking the lead to walking toward the direction of the Owl House. "Race ya Ams!" Luz called out bursting into a sprint getting ahead, "Wha- Hey! you got ahead start!" She laughed chasing after her lover, everyone else following.

Making it into the large warm cabin everyone has gotten out of their 2-3 layered coats or jackets, taking off their ear-muffs and shoes, all hanging out in the living room, all was good. Everything going well, Hunter was free from the metals, able to go outside but not leave the yard, had to be in eyesight or supervised like a small child/monster or witch. Edric elbowing Hunter, only caused the blonde to let out a quiet yelp and look at him a little bit upset about that. Before anyone could say anything, King had crawled into Luz's lap and pointed the two out, "Gay". "Hey!" Luz snapped, "What??" King asked looking at her, "no bullying!" She remarked, pushing a finger at him, "What do you mean bullying? I said Gay, because I SAW Gay!!, Thats not bullying!" Amity snickered. "That was an astute observation!" King huffed out crossing his arms, Emira, Amity and Luz all burst out laughing, Same with Edric, he had red cheeks and was ruffling Hunter's hair, The poor blonde sat their with a red face and sitting criss-crossed.

{962 words mates, sorry I haven't updated in the longest time and that this is unresonbly short, I've had writers block and school work, plus school itself and my friend's bullies. Im trying to get inspiration and think of how I can start out a story and get the plot really into it, but If I put the plot in the story too early, then the rest of the book will just be departed and not as enjoyable, Im still wanting to do character POV's but I suck at those so hard, it's like I forgot how to breath(I basically did), Plus I got quarantined and school work has/had hit my like a train hitting a car, but I hope this was enough for now. Love yall,  This was made at 12AM on a crap computer. No more stupidity <3}

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