9: Not you

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POV: It stay as a No One's POV in this chapter

Trigger Warning: Light panicking

It was almost 4:50 in the afternoon, Luz would be back from Hexside, the Blights would come over, He'd be forced back into a chair.. and tied there... Hunter shook his head out of thought, it's only been a week since he's been here, already given about two pairs of clothes and treated like a person.

Not bad really, given space an somewhat freedom.. well, 'clank'. Hunter pulled his legs up to reveal metal weights sealed onto his thighs but there was more, weights sealed onto the middle parts of his calf's and we're very tight so they couldn't slip off, along with the same thing going on around his ankles. All he did was step outside, a candle was burning really bad and it's wax was starting to give off a horrible small due to its cedar and smokey stench. Then King kicked the door open and ratted him out, all he could see and remember was being tackled down by Eda and Amity.

[Fast thoughts, sudden fear and jots of worry, Not a real warning but could cause intrusive thoughts]

Clutching his head and shaking it vigorously, he held his breath and bit his tongue, counting down the seconds that passed, wishing for a way out, just once wanting to sit outside in a grassy field that didn't go passed the ankles and just stare At the darken colored of blues and blacks of the sky. Little lightly as if they were flashlights trying to bring some sort of color to the blanket of darkness.

Hunter whined, 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. starting to stress out if he'll ever be freed 5.. 6.. He will, he will. 7.. 8.. 9.. No, no no no no, they'll question him relentless of his energy and health. That's not true, 10..... 1.. 2.. 3.. stop.


4.. 5.. 6.. 7.. 8.. 9..


[Warning Over]

"LOOK AT ME" Hunter shot his eyes up to see someone with saturated golden eyes staring at him worriedly. 5:00pm. Hunter was in Edrics lap, Luz was staring at the blonde while having a concerned but worried look on. Half way of taking her bag off, Amity holding a few books while sitting down and staring at them, King in Emiras hands while standing.

All eyes were on him, no.. Hunter

Edric had Hunter's face cupped in his hands, "Look at me, look at me" Edric made the shaking one look at him. "Breath, you good?" Edric asked slightly lowering his head and tone while softly brushing Hunters hair back a little, with that same (annoying) strand of hair coming Infront of his face. Their position was.. quite odd.. (the cover picture is the position) Hunter was holding onto Edrics wrist a little tight while his hands were cupping Hunter's face at the lightest.

Hunter's legs were on both sides of Edric slightly wrapped around the boy. "Uh— Y-yeah.." Hunter stuttered out. Pressing up against Hunter Edric pulled him into a supported hug, "Hmph— Hunter gasped before coughing.

"You wanna talk it out?" Emira asked placing a glass of water on the table beside them 'thats right, I haven't really awnsered their questions over the past few days' Hunter thought looking away before being let go of.

"Ca-can I just speak t-to him? A-alone.." Hunter asked quite embarrassed before trying to look away only to hid his kinda red face into Edrics neck. "If it makes you comfortable, that room. Over there" Eda spoke before pointing to a wooden door, seemed painted in a low woodsy kinda brown and a simple golden knob. An empty room actually, with a single small window. To small for Hunter to climb through and escape.

Being scooped up by Edric was a pain, he was about to stand and walk to the room, but nevermind that. (Edric: Hunter walking? Don't know them ❤️)

The two sat in silence "I'll start first" Edric spoke. Their in the same position as they were on the couch, "We just might set you free.." He mumbled, Hunter's eyes lit up a little. He could finally go back to being on missions, patrols, working.. Waking up at 5AM and going to bed at 8:30pm.. sharp "But only from the metal weights" Edric seemed to think of what Hunter was thinking and already hated the Idea of Him  leaving this place, Hunter had a slight upset look. "Okay, how are you treated at the emperor? You never awnsered that" Edric thought. Hunter stayed silent before lowering his head while inhaling and exhaling.

"Like the Golden Guard.. A teen prodigy." He spoke, "well, that's not to good." Edric whispered to himself.

'if he says it's worse I'll have to ask the others' The green headed boy thought. Lifting Hunter's head up to look at him, "How many hours do you stay up at night? Even if you have to go to bed at 8:30?" He spoke studying the others adorable, tired look. A bead of sweat dropped down Hunter face, "ca-can we not tal-talk about the emperor or my-my job an- and schedule..?" Hunter exclaimed. Blight sighed, (why are these two so close, idk, why have they been so close in the last chapters idk.. probably cause their GA-) "yeah.. But that's not your actual personality when your on missions or on patrols is it?~" Edric spoke up. Hunter could feel the boys hands ontop of his, watching him lean close while the blonde lean back.

Looking away with a red face trying to hide it, Edric leaned closer to his ears a smug look. "Awe~.. Is someone embaressed?~" In a low, warm sorta whisper, all Hunter could react was to turn away more, his ears red and lowered. "Ss.. stop" he mumbled out shyly.

Okay, I fell asleep at 2AM writting this, then woke up at 7:50AM to finish it and only got 971 words. It's now 8:30AM, I'm going back to bed. Im not publishing this at 9AM or past. Tell me if anything is wrong with story, yk, the usual.

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