20: You said WHAT? pt.2

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Hunter had already been up, somewhere around 5AM or a little earlier. He had folded the blanket Rain had given him by the time he had fallen asleep, He was able to get a small cup of milk and a water bottle. His clothes were dirty from yesterday and the night before. Hunter looked around, Rain must've been off somewhere. He was able to find some simple black pants and a kinda tight tee. Whatever would do him some good.


Hunters already outside spinning a large stick and acting as if it were his staff he were battling with. He was still pretty good at fighting but had gotten kinda slow and rusty, He looked at his legs and strained himself, growling about his looks, how he fought, his mind being screwed with. He hated it. From 7am to 12;30pm. He had trained, he's trained longer but he had barely taken any breaks over the past time and felt as though he needed another, each of them were 5 minutes but never really enough. He sat down on a log after gathering another water bottle, he straightened his poster and drank a little. Breathing slowly and gasping for air while he could. He sat there for a good 12 minutes for going on a forest walk.

Maybe, if he walked more he could feel more free or less stressed. He hated the feeling of being pent up in a home for hours at a time (I wear mask with smile—), He could feel himself grip onto the water bottle, Pick up speed and clench his teeth.

It's been about 3 or 4 weeks that Hunters legs have finally healed, he looked a bit different. A little bit more skinnier and a tad more muscle.

But, that was it.

Hes healed. Hes trained. He studied, he fought, he practiced, he worked as if he were on the last line of his one and only life.. But hes changed.

Now what? Where was Raine? Hasnt heen back and now it 10pm. Rascal was fast asleep on his shoulder as he made his way to the sofa in the cabin. He settled down. He had requested for a few clothes from them and that was about it from 4 weeks ago. Its just been a month and hes changed quite a bit already.

Hunter sighed and snatched a quill and pad, started writing and stopping mid ways to think of a quick and easy way to write so it wouldnt be to long. Getting to work He grabbed onto an bag and began pushing the clothes he had asked for into it. Swinging it onto his bag he placed the note on the table and made his way toward the door, dressed in proper clothes to walk in he began his journey. He shut the door and pulled up his mask to hide some part of his face. The bag was light and not as heavy, it would be easier to run to the destination now before anyone could notice.

He had to think this through, Kikimora had told Emperor Belos he was dead and his body hadn't been found, so the empire must be on a lock down of some sort, so no intruders in or out. He always wore a mask so no one knew what he looked like. Maybe he could try flying up to his room window if he could make q disctraction of some sort.

He had made in mid way through the forest. Rascal was up and flying guiding him to the nearest water, That witch lady and that human still have his artificial staff.

Hunter settled down on a large rock and sighed. Listening to the sounds of Rascal chirp and flap around before flying higher.

This would be harder than it would need to be..

Now that he thought of it Hunter remembered what Edric told him. Placing his hand on his cheek and elbow onto his leg he closed his eyes and thought for a minute.

Flash back.

Hunter had been pressed against the wall, Hands above his head and pressured there, While Edric had planted himself in between Hunters legs. He could feel the green headed ones breath brush against his ear while a deep blush spread from cheek to cheek and across his nose just to reach his ears. Edric pushed himself further and grinned. A calmed look on his face before whispering "I love you" To the smaller yet trembling one.

But by the time Hunter let out a shakey breath from biting his bottom lip to much after being released and helped to the bed, Eda busted the door open and just eyed the two before turning back and saying "I knew something was said about me" and shut the door with Hunter nearly passing out onto the bed covers from holding such intensity and anxiety. Edric laughed and sat beside the others still body.

Flash back over

Just thinking of that caused Hunter to sigh. Sitting tall and stretching himself out and opening up is eyes to a fast asleep and quiet realm. Grabbing his bag and jumping over the water making his way to the Empires direction, not far above was Rascal following him.

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