12: That's it?

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POV: No One's

Trigger Warning: N/A

Hunter had been up all night again. This time, he was in his golden armor on. His cape and staff were still in Lillith's room, how was he supposed to get them? Not sure, which only sparked an Idea for him, there were two windows in her room and somewhere around 3 when Luz got back from Hexside, Her, Eda and Luz would go outside and train with glyphs and with magic for hours, Usually they would come back home around 8-9, bathe, start supper, and go to bed. It was a repeating cycle causing Hunter to go insane. He had once refused to eat there food for almost two weeks until the 'Being pinned like paper' scene with Edric had happened. 

It wasn't the best. For Hunter,, maybe. But for Edric? Let's say he left with a mental trophy earned and a dumb, wide, giddy smile before flying off to the Blight Manor. Luz and the Clawthrone sisters didn't go out tonight and tried saying that it was a "recharge after all the hard work they've done". Anyways.

It was dark in the large cabin, soft creaking and snores could be heard. Hunter had his somewhat dusty brown knee high boots on, black pants, navy blue elbow ,sleeve length shirt on with a somewhat thick fabricated button up, gold vest on.  He could do it tonight,  Last time he got distracted from all his plans by Edric and ended up being questioned by Eda in the morning, He would sneak up to Lilith's room, look for a key or something to pick a lock, making all light was blocked and off or blown out, so then it would be to hard to see him entering the room in the dark. unlock the window and push it open, snatch his staff and cape, put on his mask, grab rascal and fly out. Yesterday while Eda was out, she came back with a flyer that said "Missing" and had a picture of the Golden Guard on it. She had asked a few witches in town and some said that they've been up for the past 3 weeks. And no sign of him, so, some stopped searching. Hunter sighed in misery, softly shaking his head. No, he built up his courage once more clenching his(SMALL) hands. He made a plan to escape, it won't fail, It can't fail. He's been here for only 3 weeks, nearly a month by now, thats bad enough. Other than at the bottom of the "Missing" poster it read "Over 20Mil snails if found and retrieved". Hunter shut his eyes trying to rid of the thought. 

He jumped when he heard foot-steps slowly but rushing down the stairs with little creaks of the wood every now and then. Seeing a dim light slightly grow larger with every step taken, Hunter got into a stance, ready to jump or hide if needed.

"Hunter?" a tired but seemingly awaken voice had whispered. It was Luz, Hunter had tensed up before looking relaxed. Luz was in her pajama's King wrapped around her neck comfortingly sound asleep. "Oh.." Hunter sighed "tis you.." he whispered. "King, grab your milk and lets go-yawn- back to bed" Luz spoke poking at the small demons skull head lightly, abruptly waking him, "heh? hmm" King jumped, looking around before climbing down "now the King of demons can have cookies!" King excitedly whispered his cheer rushing to the kitchen and opening the fridge. Turning around Luz walked to Hunter stopping, staring him down before pointing out the obvious. "You were planning to escape.. Weren't you?" She said in a serous whisper, an upset but somewhat demanding look. It soon changed when she looked down behind him before the blonde could even reply. "Whats that-" Just barely able to finish her words Hunter looked tot he ground before nearly tripping on Luz's foot with a yelp.

Luz grabbed Hunter quickly, pulling him to his feet before pointing at the small 8 legged creature on the floor "It looks like-" Luz stood there, eyebrows furrowed. "Its a S P I D E R" Hunter yelped once more, Luz screeched. Hunter jumped onto her with light shaking, constantly repeating "killitkillit" over and over again. 

Luz was panicking, badly. grabbing a fire and light glyhp, she had created a small light just to see her's and Hunters pose. plus the spider. "K I N G" Luz loudly whispered. fear within her as she curled her body up, having the fire glyph incase if the(bastard) thing could jump. King was on all fours running to them. Screeching before trampeling on the spider before bashing his claw paws on it before flicking it away. Sitting down like an innocent small dog. Luz tossed Hunter off with a quite loud thud and an oof following behind it. "Really?" Hunter spoke rubbing his head, Luz closed her eyes and shrugged, the light glyph still going at it, "yall are so loud, be glad Eda's gotton rabbit tails for ear muffs, same with lillith" King spoke and a kinda low voice while walking up to them. "Get changed, we need to talk, King grab your snack and head to my room" Luz said.

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