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Okay, let's settle something's.

So, My first book, "It's your path to choose" the Goldric Fanfic. The plot's a little wonky so far, but I've got it planned out.

I wanted to make a story, but I didn't know what. So,

1: when I looked up Wattpad stories for Goldric, it was all horrible.

2: the stories where out of line, and Everytime a character would want to do or want something they would say "plz" and that can get quite annoying.

3: Most of the stories weren't bad, but, I never saw the plot line go up, sometimes there would just be a plot line that it would be just Hunter, like, something happened to him then the next it's all crazy like "he transformed into this mythical creature" then the next it was "As he flew off with lightning speed", what? I get that you can run fast or fly pretty quick but just give detail of how the character ran, or flew. I usually put "(character name) had started running, their feet(or whatever) hitting the cold ground, kicking up dirt while flapping their wings causing leaves to fly"

4: I'm not pointing names, and I get it, I'm a writer that's now JUST writting a book. What could I possibly know? A lot. And I mean a lot, I'm not calling anyone dumb, or names. None of that, but it took me years of story classes, writting clubs (Im so sorry for not changing this so long ago) and book clubs and tons of librarians and teachers for help. Plus books them self. I get that others want to write for fun, but sometimes it can get serious and you don't know what to do, and I don't want anyone to fall into that.

About the story

So, I plan on going as far as Wattpad will allow me with this book, I heard the page limit is 200 or possibly less, tell me if I'm wrong, but I'll try and just focus on story writting and no post so many N/A's, I've seen that and it's also annoying.

My AU remember.

This is a Beta AU of mine, there will be rare accounts of my character but only for bystanders and that's it. I don't like it if an OC interferes and tries to make it better but makes it worse. Probably not in the story but for the reader.

By the way, I'm a "No one's POV" Type of person if you can already tell, and I'm sorry if the characters don't talk much, I'm not sure how I even do that but okay ig.

Explaining the characters

Okay, I kinda think it's better to do this.

Edric; A slight stupid snappy kind of guy, say you trip and get hurt, he's help you up and ask you if your okay "you say yes it's only a bruise/minor cut" then he'll push or trip you back down and say "what? You said we're fine from the first time" and just walk off with that. He maybe a flirtatious 🐔 but if you do something to his most loved ones or get close enough to him he'll be your friend. Unlessyourhotenoughforhimcausethenhesalloveryousooo...❤️

Hunter; sly sucker is a what he is, quiet and thought worthy. Takes his time to think but quick enough back down on the imagery, smart one really but pays attention to the root of the problem and pays attention to the end of the solution.

Eda; still the same, but she thinks more, instead of guessing she listens before hand. Kinda a jerk but is pretty nice.q

Luz; C! personality, but more protective, overly much but wants the best for others.

Amity; meeeehh.. I'm not sure what to say about her but she knows what she doing and if she wants it done and over, it's done and over.

Emira; the same as her brother, but if you want something back from her or just from her, you have to do something to get it back.

King; same little kid persona, but is such a 🐕. If he wants something he wants it. But eh, mainly keeps to himself.

Emperor Belo's; still a stupid mothertrucker.

And last, Luz still has her friends, they all still go to hexside, Etc. Etc. If I'm honest that's all I've got to put down, Oh! My schedule is that I'll write two stories in the afternoon (school is coming up in 5 more days so I have to get this planned out) I'll post one story at 5AM or around that, I wake up at 5-5:30. Make another story, post one of the stories at five and keep doing this until I reach the limit of the pages and probably start another book.

If There are copied, misplaced, or seemingly not so much good grammar / words. Please let me know, I at least want readers to enjoy my stories and or plot's. And if the writting seems boring, or just not as good then I'll change it right away, just let me know is all I ask. Please and thank you


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