11: Finally

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POV; No One's

Trigger Warning: Okay, its just my au Hunter has speech impediment-

It was morning, Eda and Luz were back, well. Luz was back but had ran off to school not to long ago. Which means it's just Hunter, King and Eda. There had been snowdins for the past few days so Hexside had to close for a couple days until the teachers were sure it was safe for them to come back. Hunter had woken up in a cold sweat, a weight on his lap. He had looked down to see King curled up in a ball in a deep slumber.

Hunter hid a small smile, Eda poked her head fro the kitchen before stepping out and speaking "Oh, good your awake" she spoke standing infront of the blonde. Hunter moved King off slowly, before having his legs dangle off the edge of the couch while The Owl lady sat next to him, "I thought I should be the one to ask you questions, since the others arreee... eeehhhh, a bit straight forward" She finished with hand motions. "er- O-okay.." Hunter replied, "So, Edric said that you said the emperor treats you like the golden guard, hard training, tight curfews, sharp times yada yada yada correct?" she asked looking at him finishing, he was avoiding eye contact, Eda could understand that. But she could only tell if he was lying or not, see, the thing is, Eda had handed Edric a truth potion if Hunter wouldn't tell the truth, so. If his pupils grew bigger he lied. if they grew smaller he didn't. Edric would have to drink it first though.

When Hunter was sitting on the stairs last night with his face in is arms, he made sure to keep the lid a little loose if he had to pop it off right away, but he didn't drink at all, it was after Hunter fell asleep, he had drank a bit before kissing him, then woke him up to eat, then gave the rest to him in a cup saying it was just juice.

it would only work for 24 hours, and when everyone came back with more spell metals, and a few more things to keep Hunter in tact with them, so then he wouldn't run away. But what Edric requested for was.. lets just say, odd. Luz had to go back to the human realm for them but came back with some more things that were hers. For what Edric requested for was a chest harness

{Looks like this}

Hunter nodded, "It must be overwhelming" Eda added, "U-uh

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Hunter nodded, "It must be overwhelming" Eda added, "U-uh.. no-no..." Hunter shifted. "Look at me" She sternly spoke, Hunter had kept his lead low, trying his absolute best to hold eye contact. Eda could see his pupils grow big before changing back. Sighing, "Ill just say my questions, Does the emperor have any issues? Mentally or physically abusive? Emotionally?" She asked quite concerned. Hunter looked away with a frightened look, watching his uncle.. His uncle turn into a green, thick slime black pour monster with spikes as hands. The color from his face draining before shaking his head out of thought, looking up and to Eda "oh- n-no.. ju-.. just.. outburst's is all.." He bounced his left leg. Eda's eyes had shock in them from watching the boys pupils shift before changing back once more. "right.." She soon stood up, Hunter watched her with a worried face. "is something wrong?" He asked. "No, just.. though I saw King try and eat his foot from a while back" She chuckled to herself before Hunter looked back at the sleeping demon before petting him.

After Luz and the Blights return to The Owl House after school.

Edric was excited, so excited he tried punching a brick wall. Amity had to stop him before his knuckles could start bleeding from the first punch. It was funny but horrible. By the time They arrived to The Owl House, Edric was of course the first one to bust in and collapse on Hunter causing the shorter one to yelp and try and dodge him but failing in the end, Edric picked Hunter up before examining him. Dark maroon short sleeved shirt with black long sleeves attached to them. black loose ripped jeans but with the rips large and bits of the rips handing below his knees, you could see fishnets? Eh, Luz must've brought him some clothing while he was held capti- I-I mean- while he stayed there. Black ankle socks with the shirt tucked into his pants with a belt tight around his waist. Hunter was thin.. Too thin from what Edric saw.


{Speech impediment, might trigger something else might not}

"Cou-Could you put me d- d- .." Hunter couldn't finish his words, he kept stammering before stopping and becoming shakey, "do-down ple-please.." Hunter tried breathing. Soon calming down but not from shaking. "Are you okay first?" Edric asked, pulling Hunter closer to him, ignoring what the ash-blond asked for, (legit been 2 god-damn weeks you horny chickens. c a l m ).

"Could- couldn't be-b.. He did it again but this time it seemed a little slurred and kinda quick,  Hunter inhaled sharply before holding it. Now this was starting to become concerning to Edric and Luz, while she placed her bag down and handed Emira a water bottle. Amity popped up behind her shutting the door to the outside world before locking it. Hunter exhaled "Be better.." he finished, "okay.." Edric said a little unsure(SUS) of the others awnser. "Th.. Hunter stopped trying to speak when his (oml, S M A L L)feet balanced on the wooden floor. "mhm.." Hunter had just hummed quietly.

!Warning over!

"What's up with him?" Amity asked Eda, gesturing to Hunter. "Not sure, he didn't really do any spells, magic today. No one has around here lately. I called in Raine and ask if they knew anyone about it or around a doctor, they said they do but they'll take a couple days to get here" Eda spoke. "This reminds me of a sort of health problem.." Luz spoke up putting a finger to her chin "But it's different then that" she sighed in  defeat "Ill check in on it later" She slouched. Sitting in the living room everyone was waiting for someone to speak, you could hear Hunter bounce his leg, fidget and mess with his fingers, Edric had to pull mih close to him, just to try and calm his tension.

"Iv'e made the decision" Eda said walking in and cutting through the the silence like a knife cutting through half way melted butter. "We're keeping him" She said, a monotone voice, hand on her hip, a hand holding appleblood and an unamused look, Edric shot up in cheer, Luz also standing up with a smile, Amity clapped a little while Emira kept sitting drinking away with her tea she got not to long ago(until she spills that tea, the real drama happens) Hunter had jumped in fear and in confusion, at the sudden movements and the loud noises. Looking around anxiously before back at Eda "wh-who?" he stood up shakily. "You." she smiled.

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