17: What?.. Anyways,

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Yo!(I just figured how cringe this is thing is)

Warning; Gore!/Blood+Slight panicking

Hunter woke up in a cold sweat, His red eyes having a blurry sight to them, he could feel some sort of warmth around him, cloth.. Or hhh, a blanket? He rubbed his eyes for a few until he could see a bit better, Hunter looked around the empty room. About two windows, a desk at the other side and a lamp. Alot of books too.

He had to focus.. Well when he did that his feet hurt, he pulled the blanket away from his body and shoved it to the side. Looking at his lower body he scanned his legs. His feet and calf's we're bandaged up, did he really run that much that he nearly broke them? Well, guess that works to just to get away from actual freaks of the forest. Hunter sighed and looked out the window from the side of the bed, it was morning. Mid morning.. how long had he slept?, When and or how did he get here, he had so many questions, The door was wide open. Should he check who took him in? Hunter looked around before moving his feet to dangle off the bed as he placed them on the wood floor, he let out a shout of pain before jumping back onto the bed.

( ⚠️; Blood)

Before he knew it someone bursted in with a bat with nails all in it, it looked..Gorey.
Blood was covering the top half, and fading a way it in splatter down to the place were you gripped it. The person swung it around with a stern voice "OH MY THESIES, KIDDO YOU GOOD?!" The person asked, lowering the bat when they realized it was only the blonde, red eyed short one.

(Warning over!)

Hunter had been curled up in the corner of the bed, hugging his legs tightly while seemingly trying to clutch onto the blanket and hide themselves from such a horrific world.

[Who is this character? When should they pop in originally? Who knows..]


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