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Ya'll, my family has issues— I'll be publishing late stories or a couple of chapters at a time so ya'll can have something to chew on.

I might not even update for days,

Also. If you have any ideas of what should go on next then go ahead and comment them, I'm able to throw in a couple things to possibly get the plot started in the next 2-3 chapters. If you have any art you'd like to share with me or playlist etc, feel free too ❤️ I'm here for you to spread your ideas too.

I might give off a bit of art myself, Im not sure. Possibly gonna start of an art book, maybe in the future if I'm feeling okay with my art style.

Btw, Sorry for making an N/A, just thought I'd say my now going on schedule so ya'll can understand, and know when I'm actually gonna publish and get ready. Okay,

Buckle up !, Where we're going is a Drive.

Time I wake up: 5AM-5:30AM, I leave for my bus at 6:15AM, I'm the first person on, and last off. I'll be editing my stories at that time if I have enough Service.

Time I go to bed: 9-10pm, I get home from school at 4:50 cause I stop at a bus stop and am driven the rest of the way back home.

School starts in 2 days, Monday I'm getting braces,(hopefully) so, I might post 2 chapters tomorrow or 2 on Tuesday, a lot is going on Monday. So don't ask me "why didn't you post that day? Huh?" I'm doing short and quick N/A's as announcements. You should know this if your reading my book.

When I get home, I'll start writing on 2 chapters, edit one and post it the next day. I'll edit the current one and make another chapter, the last one I edited will be posted. This'll go on repeat. I'll try and post the stories around 6AM or 5PM. My readers are either busy or asleep. Or just doing nothing, I don't expect reads to come in like a chocolate factory or kids in a school.

I'm paitent enough that I couldn't care how many reads I'm getting. I enjoy this and I'll keep making it for those who enjoy it too🙃.

If I don't post on a day I'll post 2 chapters ❤️ that's a promise. Pinterest has a lot of things coming for me and my god- my phone is on do not disturb just to shut that thing up—

If you think the plot's coming on slow, and you want it to be explained. You'll need to tell me to shut the f—

Anyways! There's no way to shorten the plot so don't ask me!^^

I'm leaving. That's final. My arms hurt. I'm not posting anymore for today. I'm busy trying to finish my left over sketch book from 2021, idc, I've got over 40+ pages to fill out in 5 hours. Don't try something stupid, I will and I swear, in the next 10 minutes of that time, make sure this book didn't exist over something dumb that was spread.

I love you guys and this book, good day/night whatever, just hope you enjoy it ❤️.

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