8: Why though?

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POV:No Ones

Trigger Warning: N/A

Edric sat down beside Hunter with a mug in his hands, pulling his legs up in a criss cross situation.

Hunter was buried under a few blankets on the couch with about two or three pillows under him. Edric pulled a blanket off of Him to see a panicked looking expression on the blonde, along wit red cheeks. "Can I ask what your doing?" The other asked staring deeply into Hunters eyes. "I-I was reading a-a book.." Hunter explained looking away, ever since he had been held captive, he was starting to be treated like a person at the owl house. Of course he still had the metal weights on his and his staff and amor was still in Lilith's room, (it's only been a week you two, calm down-) Luz had given Hunter about three pillows, then Emira asked if he would like a book since he didn't have anything really. "And can I see this book?" Edric asked, "here.." The shorter one had pulled out his hand with a somewhat nicely thickened book, a black cover with white written on it in a neat cursive language, gold lining on its edges and pointed golden metal edges. A gold small thin ribbon as a bookmark just half way through the old, tattered pages as if they were dipped in wild berry brush tea, "hm.." Edric hummed while flipping a page, closing it and looking on the back was a white silhouette looking bird. The words written on the front spelling 'The secrets behind palisman tree's'. Before being handed the hefty book Edric placed his mug down on a nearby table or stand.

"Oh, yeah. I've got the same copy in my chest back at my place" Edric sighed handing Hunter his book back. Hunter had shakily taken it, Edric eyeing down his sides, since he bandaged up the guard he seemed more.. uhh, jumpy?

"May I ask what your looking at?" Hunter said, hugging a pillow tightly. "Move the cushion" Edric demanded, slowly pulling it away from the blondes tense grasp. Putting it on the other side of him, Eda had poked her head out from the kitchen "Okay, food will be ready in twenty you nut heads!" She called out. Luz running out of the house with King in her arms with a giggly face on. As though, the two boys paid no mind. Eda shrugged and went back to her business with the cooking, Edrics first move was to pull Hunter's hands close, causing the blonde the stand up, which had caused him to stand and snatch his wrist. (Oml, I just saw that)

A painful gasp released from Hunter as Edric had both of the shorters hands in one of his pulling the other close to his chest before lightly rubbing his free hand up and down Hunters bruised side. "Hah-" was all Hunter spoke before stuffing his face in the others chest. "I-if you wanted to see how it wa-was doing you could've a-as-asked.." The blonde muffled through. "Mhm.." Was all Edric responded, with a firm look and locked eyes as he slowly pressed fingers against the clothed and bandaged, blue and purple mark...

'Its just trust. Thats all you need' Hunter thought.

(I'm sorry my chapters have been getting short, I've been drawing alot and have been going places so it's only around 5pm when I start writing these and 12AM when I stop and decide to sleep. I keep getting distracted cause of ADHD)

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