10: Given pleasure

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{we're in the double digits mates!! I was trying to be nice, but my phone got rid of the cover art}

POV; No ones

Trigger Warning; Slightly horniness around the end. Warning given.

Hunter laid on the couch, almost every night he spent at The Owl House, he would pay attention to every step or which doors was who's. The first door up the stairs was Luz's, then a right turn the last door was Eda's, but the door beside that must be Lilith's. Hunter had been up and down the place just running away from Luz and King, the door across from Lilith's was the bathroom and there were at least a couple of closets everywhere

Now was his chance. They didn't leave to long ago, Edric was there, he was in the bathroom and only left a couple of minutes ago. He needed, to do this. He had to do this. Slowly getting up lightly before taking a step, listening to the floors soft creaking. Taking more small steps before getting to the stairs. His body slowly loosing it's confidence before going weak and getting Shakey. Moving a step up he could hear a door knob jiggle before the sound of the actual plain boil wood creaking open. Hunter panicked, moving to the side of the stairs and getting into a sitting position with his knees to his chest. Stuffing his face into his arms, before listening to the shut of a door, then foot-steps. Seemingly a little fast for walking. Edric must've thought that if he left Hunter for to long he might escape.

Which waaass.. true, But He had reasons too. They wouldn't just allow him to get up and walk out without having their questions awnsered, his side healed or without getting enough sleep so far. Hunter still had the bags under his eyes, due to that he'll have his back facing away from the place while on the couch and keeping his eyes open out of pure fear.

It wasn't the best, but what could he do? He tried fighting Edric once which wasn't thes best choice, only to have heavier metals clamped around his thighs. Now he had the lighter ones on, only to have a spell to where he couldn't run, and if he did they would stick together as if we're magnet's. Then the wrist metals on his arms would do the same thing, it wasn't  kidnapping..

Okay maaayybeee it was.. Edric tapped Hunter's shoulder causing him to jump and look at him with a worried face, before looking somewhat relieved. "You good?" He asked the Blonde.

"U-uhm..yeah.." Hunter responded, Watching the green headed boy stand up "You want something to eat? Eda said we could try making sandwiches. Which is all I really know how to make.. heh..." Edric chuckled softly before stoping, Hunter stood up, therefore he watched Edric put his hands on his knee's just to get to Hunter's height with a smug but somewhere near a genuine expression.

[Gets pretty gay/horny with this, if you don't like that kind of stuff then that's fine, just thought I'd put this here]

Hunter stopped dead in his tracks, his eyebrows loosening up (like a character is crying kind of eyebrows), his face turning a deep red  before stuttering out words "I-I— He tried to finish before watching the taller beginning to laugh. "Stop laughing!" Hunter snapped, still flustered. Edric grabbed Hunter's face, cupping his cheeks "Awh~ your so cute and tiny~" Edric cooed to the shorter one. "Mm~.." Hunter hummed out, the warmth and touch of Edric made Hunter tired but given a feeling of somewhat pleasure [It's called a praising kink or something] Edric smirked before rubbing his thumbs against the smallers cheeks.

"You like that?" Edric spoke. Hunter hid his face in the tallers hands before   Edric moved his thumb to rub onto the others ear, Hunter let out a hot breath. Feeling his knees nearly give out on him from the pleasure. "Heh.." Edric let out, his face also red. He leaned in, making Hunter look up with a somewhat deep red face, little bits of tears in his eyes, it had taken Hunter by surprise when the other closed the gap between there lips.

Hunter panicked, wanting to speak, before thinking he had opened his mouth. Edric slipped his tongue in, exploring the shakey ones cavern. Both of them moving to the floors of the steps, (only the first one) Edric deepened the kiss by pressing Hunter up against the wall and getting in-between his legs. Hunter moaned into the kiss, shutting his mouth when they split for air,  Edric watched the string of sylvia stretch away. The blonde pressed his head back with his face turned up, letting out breathy, quiet moans he had kept in.

Edric pressing himself up to Hunter's calor bone with light pecks, "m.. sorry" He let out, "I don't know what too.. took over me then..." He finished, Hunter whined, Edric getting up, still latching onto him, Hunter wrapped around his waist. Tear eyed, weak and shakey.

! Warning Over !

Taking him to the couch before laying him there, Hunter was already asleep by then. His large black t-shirt covering his shorts, it was wrinkled just a little bit. Pulling a blanket over him before lightly kissing him, humming before getting up and leaving to the kitchen. Starting the sandwiches up.

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