15: Such a loser.. <3

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Before we get started into this chapter, I just wanted to thank the people that read this book, I really do love ya'll, I made it to 1K reads and 101 votes, I wanted this book to just be a joke but before any of the reads I actually started to get inspired and a lot of creativity with it. The plot should start getting in control at least around part 20-23, or just 19. They might be super long chapters, again. Thank you to all who have read this book so far<333

Hunter flopped down onto the couch in the owl ladies home, The blights went home, Luz and King were playing in the floor just in front of the sofa, turning onto his stomach, in the end the blonde had rolled off the seat with a squeak. By the time he hit the ground, Eda had popped in, "Where are they.." She commanded, leaning on the wall and crossing her arms and looking at the three kid- oR-wait.. yeah kids-. "What?" Luz asked standing up, Hunter stiffened still laying on the floor. "Hunter. Where. is. Your. Uniform." Eda questioned, not in such a kind tone. "I'll give you by tomorrow, at dawn to return them. " Hunter stayed in his position, and with that she swiftly turned back into the room she left before, going back to her business.

Luz had walked up to the other with King snickering, "What were you going to do with you golden guard uniform Hunter?" She asked, cocking her head (These two have that in common in my AU) "I.. wanted to 'burn' it... Human.." He answered back with a blank but seemingly sorta open eyed and slight smile look on his face. "Wait,, One more time?" She asked, doing the frog pose getting down to his level, "You heard me.." He spoke, turning to her. "I- okay.. woah." She hesitated before standing and backing up, King covering his skull muzzle with his talon paws. "What?" Hunter asked, standing up not so very surprised. Luz whispered, "Just.. thought That was too far, but.. Never-mind that, Ill uh- be in my room if you need me" She rushed, "oh yeah.. and in the human realm I was able to get things for you. They should be there tomorrow, soo Ill be gone for a couple days.." She finished before hurrying up the stairs.

"hmm.." The shorter whispered to them-self. Sighing, he sat on to the couch before reaching behind it and pulling out heir Artificial staff, cape, mask, and that's when rascal flew out from behind tweeting like crazy. He was with Hunter before he set his stuff back there last night, how'd he get there? meh.. Must've broke the laws of logic then.

"Rascal! that's where you went!" Hunter piped up before having the small bird land on him, giving him chest scritches. So small, and yet so fluffy at the same time. "well.. It's almost 5..Wanna put his to the test?" Hunter whispered to Rascal, "Hunter?" Eda called from the other room, The blonde was wearing his golden guard under uniform, (yk, navy ends-at-elbows sleeved shirt, knee high boots, yada yada, that uniform) He made a break for it. Snatching his Artificial staff before hand and reaching for the door, Eda had ended up calling Luz down along with King. Hunter couldn't hear anything other than the adrenaline pumping blood into his ears and a loud ringing sound, He had earned their trust to get the metal clamps off him, have the doors magic hand identification lock removed, He could finally be free, after two months and a half, of being in that place and weeks of planning he couldn't let this fail. He reached for the hand knob and flung open the door before rushing outside, yesterday they had said their helping him with his problems and sleeping schedules. Yeah, no. They couldn't get him to sleep enough and on time to get rid of his eyebags because of how much stress and fear he lived and was in. 

The cold air hitting Hunter's ever so yet pale face, His pink/red mixed eyes lacked sparkle in them and held worry, concern and stress more then he was for the past weeks. His body hurt, He hadn't really trained as much as he is supposed to and he rarely ever ate at that place, not once did he look back, he had to get away from them, Hunters mind wasn't really set on a specifice destination so far but he just wanted to get away from everything. Tossing his staff until it laid in the air, hopping on and latching onto it. All he could hear was his name before he teleported away. 

And that, was that..

Hunter had teleported to a large field, he must've been gone to far, though. this field was just on the other side of Hexside, a good long travel is what it is. Hunter could hear a chirping, "Rascal!" The red bird tweeted in remorse popping up onto is shoulder, Hunter sighed, grabbing the  small bird and looked at him so worried and mad, but only to himself. He betrayed so many witches.. Even his Uncle Belos... The short blonde started to shake, his knees and elbows going weak, Tears welling in his soft but weary eyes as he loosened his grip on the tiny bird. "W-Wait!" He called out as Rascal flew off chirping. Hunter started panicking, he was looking around, in the middle of a field having no idea where to go or start, The ashe-blonde was frantic to get away to shelty and or saftey, atleast somewhere to hide. But tears blurred his vision as he couldn't focus, the thoughts of him being a traitor and such a horrible useless witch clogged his mind up. It was too much, He still had is staff, which was good but bad, he couldn't use it, he might ending up teleporting somewhere dangerous without thinking, but it was good for somethings.

Stumbling forward before tripping, losing hold of his staff and all senses, getting up with teary eyes, putting a hand on his head before laughing, shutting his eyes, 'why am I laughing?' he thought, tears streaming down his face not to long ago, quicker then his last scene, 'why am I crying?' he thought once more, finally able to sit in a clean and cleared off patch of grass, few flowers here and there. 

The sun was setting, it was already dawn. Time really does fly. 

It was only around 20-30 minutes later until Hunter could hear chirping and a lot of footsteps, He wasn't as shakey as before but still jumpy, whipping his head around, Hunter had been laying in the grass for a while, Rascal had brought Everyone, The blights, Luz, Eda and King. Trying to get up and grab his staff, which he lost in the field,(not very far from him) He didn't know what to do, they were still far. But he couldn't start running again, his legs hurt and were so close to give out on him, They were so tired, they also had red bags under their eyes from crying so much. The late afternoon, in about an hour or two, it would be 8, and night time would once more take control of this world(realm). Hunter had looked away for only a second, before seeing a bright green light flash in front of him, and there.. There was Edric, the one and only to tame Hunter's sorrow feelings. He was tackled and brought down to the ground, forearms where covering Hunters mouth as he slightly struggled to breathe, hands grasping onto them to try and pry em' off, wasn't much help, Edric's legs were holding down Hunter's and his entire body weight to keep him down.

The shorter one struggled with getting Edric off him, It wasn't the greatest when the others came by as well. Hunter was picked up by Edric and could feel abomination slime tie his hands together in the front of his body, then it was his ankles. "Next time-grunt of struggle- don't.. runaway!" Edric cursed, "I-" Before a word, Amity had a thick rope tied around his head and in his mouth to keep him quiet. This was when Hunter gave in and let the others finish with the abomination slime. And when they were, Hunter was a shaking mess sitting on the grassy ground, eyes shut tightly, upper half of his body leaning over his legs as he just wanted to go back home.

He was in so much pain, Tears rolled down his face for the 3rd time, (or 4th) He only suffered punishment(Tis not really punishment mate-) for when they got back to the Owl House. Oh what a joy..

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