18: Because of you.. </3

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Warning; intrusive thoughts, harsh words and Ig kinks(? Sorry for wrong words for triggers—)


Hunter sat curled up hugging a blanket as tight as his hands could let him, struggling to catch his breathe from the sudden outburst from the person popping in. The bed creaked as he had jumped from the older one calling out while swinging the bat.

He struggled to get back to his senses, trying his best, Hunter hid his face in the covers as the other stood there, he hadn't noticed that they placed the bat down and sat on the bed next to the shorter one. Easily placing a hand on their back before slowly rubbing it, Hunter tried breathing steps while doing his best to calm down. After figuring out his breathing pattern. "you okay?" They whispered, Hunter looked up, eyes blurry. All he could make out was short blueish Grey hair, round simple glasses, maroon thin long sleeve with gold buttons, somewhat sleeve cuffs, black collar and black pants. With simple leather boots.

Wait.. His vision cleared, was it? It can't be, He blinked, astonishment taking over his face. "Mx. Whispers?!" He whisper-yelled. He flinched at the sudden pain in his gut. The older one took action, grabbing the cup of water from the side table and pushing it to Hunter, He had grasped onto it while clutching his gut in such pain. Words left him, he stayed in his position for a while, Titan that was painful. Must've been from the running last night, he took a few sips from the cup, trying his best to cough it back up. He gave back to them after a few more drinks from the clean, liquid. He focused before trying to calm down. "You'll have to stay here and rest for a few days. Let your body heal, where did you run from kid?" Rain asked, putting the cup back on the side table. Standing up and looking down at the blonde one. "Hhhhh..." He rubbed his neck and looked away. "Uhm.. the empire?" He looked up at them, slightly scared. 'Holy- what a mess' Hunter rubbed his eyes and and sighed, he could tell he had eye bags once more, darn. He could even feel his bags had bags. He whined.

Why? What did they want from his? He couldn't go outside without nearly being surrounded by the twins, their sister and Luz. Everytime He ate, he would have to sit at the table with Eda or Luz, and Titan was that uncomfortable.. He sighed. Darn, he couldn't be left alone without Edric saying they forgot him or some stuff, all he would do was just be flirty, or act horny around HIM.

(Warning; Intrusive thoughts)

'WHY WAS IT ALWAYS HIM? WAS HE PLANNING SOMETHING, OH TITAN NO. HOPEFULLY NOT..... RIGHT?' This caused Hunter to panic once more, but.. Not like last time, Images flashed through his head, 'What if he tries something when he's dragged back? What- whag... ' Hunter couldn't think straight, grasping his head, holding his breath, 'whatifhetriestoholdmedown?whatifhetriestoputmeupagainstthewallagain?!, WHATIFHETRIESTO-' Hunters train of thought was stopped.

(Warning; Over)

Why was it so sudden? Why was it so fast that it felt.. Toxic to stop it? Was something wrong with him? Oh for sakes heavy rage! For once, just once he wanted to be left alone! It's been how many... four or five months?! Why! WHY?! Rain had pulled Hunter into a hug after trying to grab his attention, trying to calm him, but after he did't pay attention They had no choice for physical interaction. "You ran away from the Empire? Why? If I can ask." Hunter sighed, "I'm sorry.. I didn't runaway from the Empire... I ran from the Owl House, But! They were holding me hostage!" He began. Looking at Rain, they only sighed and shook their head. He tried speaking but all that could come out was a cough. He struggled with words so much..

"Sleep, I'll see what I can do.. You might have to go back", They hushed, "What?! No! They- Edric!- He-He" Tears formed as he held his hands up, looking down at them as tears dropped onto his pale skin. He trembled with fear, it's not like he didn't like Edric its just.. The things he does he's just not sure If he's comfortable with it on not. He clenched his hands, shut his eyes tightly while gasping for air, placing his fist on his chest and clutching his shirt. Hunters face was lifted by Rains hand, "shhh, shh" They hushed the smaller. Tears wiped away, "What did Edric do? To make you feel the need to be this uncomfortable?" They asked, Hunter wiped his water works awaybefore trying to breath, doing his best he had sighed and looked down, his glare moved to Rain before muttering "I-Im not comfortable with talking about it.." He later on shushed himself to not say anything.

Rain sighed and stood up, "That's up to you kid.. Sleep I'll see if I can do something" They whispered. Soon leaving the room. Hunter covered himself up, pulling the warmth above his head while curling up and trying to sleep.

;;3Half hours pass by;;

Hunters woken up to being held in someone's lap bridal style, their sitting on the bed and having him lay on their leg and stablized with their arms. His face was in their chest before he had pushed himself away with a nearly entired flushed face, almost fell off the bed before being caught, hands on his sides and holding him sternly. He had escaped their grasp and made is stance. Looking at their face as they stood tall in their spot, arms crossed. Their black tight ripped up jeans, white collar shirt with a black vest, tight belt around them said how pissed they were. Their golden eyes just raged with fire written all in them. They Both stood their, Edric towering Hunter like an older sibling mad at the younger one. Hunter stood there, he was only up to Edrics chest due to his boots. He looked away for a split second before being grabbed by the collar and shoved against the wall, Hunter had only yelped and grasping onto the others wrists before panting vaugly, sweat ran down his face rapidly as he struggled to look at the other. Eyes shut with his head turned away.

Edric growled at this response, He watched Hunter flinch and clench his teeth, his hands loosening around the taller. Hunter began shaking while tears formed when he squinted his eyes, shutting them, Edric sighed. Still, anger boiled inside him but he didn't mean to scare the other, "Im- I'm sor... Sorry" The blonde choked up, Edric kept a serious face, soon grasping onto Hunters face, and forcing him to look at him, He didn't. Both of Hunters hands gripped onto Edrics wrists trying to get him off. He had enough, He was tired of this. Edric wanted Hunter too feel the same way he did about him.

(Warning;; Kinks(if that's the right warning)

Edric pushed his lips onto Hunters, closing his eyes while the short one stayed surprised, his face was so red.. It didn't even feel right to not be this flushed. He tried to fight back, loosing entirely, The only thing he could do was try and keep his tongue out of his mouth. Edric picked up Hunter and pushed him onto the wall and placed himself right between Hunters legs, gripping the shorter ones hands above the blondes head was enough to trigger him into gasping into the kiss.

The green headed one shoved his tounge into Hunters mouth. Having no mercy he pressed himself further in between the others legs. Hunter moaned into the kiss, tears streamed down his face, all across his nose was red and even his ears were as red as him. He wrapped his legs around the other, trying to pull Edric more inbetween his legs, The two broke away for a split second before Edric got back at it, stopping an watching the string of Sylvia stretch away. He soon ran his fingers in Hunters hair, all through pout the months he had been allowed to shave his hair while being he- While he lived in the Owl House. Doing his best to breath he was looking down in embarrassment, Edrics attention perked onto Hunters twitching ear. Smug and devious was his thing. Removing a hand and hanging onto both of the smallers wrist with his left one, placing his fingers onto Hunters ear, The blonde one only jolted at the simplest touch of it, Edric stayed quiet. Soon pinching the others ear with the slightest pull. Hunters head often, tilting it to the side while arching his back, only letting out whimpers and whines. Edric smirked at this, finally he moved his hand under Hunters shirt, and and rubbing his side.

Hunter bit his bottom lip and shut his eyes, turning his head away. Edric moved his hand and ran it through Hunters hair once more, finally getting a grip onto it, he yanked it back, finally getting a choked out moan from the other. A long whine and a small thrust from the other was just enough for Edric.

(Warning over)

The taller one chuckled darkly, letting go of his wrists and hair, Hunter arched his back and grasped onto the back of the others shirt, tear streaks stained his cheeks, and gods he was as red as a cherry. Hiding his face into Edrics stomach he could feel his legs be placed on the ground, they all of a sudden felt like goop, his grip tightened as he nearly wrapped his arms around Edric to hold himself. It's been what.. 20 minutes, all because Edric was feeling dominant. All of a sudden, Hunter realized his legs were still bandaged and sore from the other night.

Shame. And the fun was only/just beginning..</3

almost every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I'll post, weekends are my break away days <3.

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