19; You said WHAT? pt.1

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Okay sothis is testing week and I'm sorry I didn't post last Friday, I lost motivation for this story a long while ago but I'm still going.  (SLOW BURN)

Warning/s; N/A

Edric and Hunter had split ways. Hunter had to stay at Rains for a few days until both of them were sure he can walk and start training again, and was he excited for that. He hasn't gotten a good training session in a good 4 months.

Well, let's hope The days pass by quickly. No one knew and was going too.


It's late outside, the others had seemingly came by at 7;50.. and left at 8:40, after trying to convince him to come back. Not after what Edric told him... yeah, not after what he told him. Hunter was on the sofa reading as many books as he could, so far. He's read three books on the art of fighting, the fist two were just pictures and steps on beginners fighting lessons, and how to get back into training after having a bad injury. Helpful,  but the last book isn't. It's just drawings of witches and elves fighting.

Yaaay... so lucky.. Hunter shook out of thought and took a mental note of what was needed to do for the next 2 weeks. He needed to exercise his body. Mainly his legs. Closing his eyes and placing the book down with the rest of the pile.

Curling up and closing his eyes were his first thing to do. He would wake up early like he usually does and get to work.

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