6: I'm not a problem.. am I?

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(This is just a Hunter and Edric interaction, it maybe short, long idk, whichever my motivation says) (I'm running out of TITLES, HEP, also I'm lost in the plot for this but that'll be explained in the next part!)

POV: Hunters

Trigger Warning: Anxiety attack, bad thoughts. (I'm not sure, tell me if I'm wrong or write something off)

I had fallen asleep somewhere at 2am in the morning, my eye bags were darker before I could feel a little weight on my right side. Taking a breath before falling into a deep slumber. Feeling the weights on me I could feel that I was tied down to some sort of chair. Groggily opening my eyes with a blank expression it wasn't that much into the morning, it was still somewhat dark outside with just rarely any sunlight.

No one's POV

Hunter could feel eyes on him, when he looked up tiredly he could only see the shimmer of a gold aura sorts of shade, then to a figure stand- no.. they seemed to be checking the metal weights at his thighs, before they had been taken off, as if boulders of stress had came off of him. Hissing at the pain of feeling heavier, but tighter weights soon clamp around them. It was that green headed boy, when he had looked up, he had a somewhat serious but.. weird look? Almost, smug looking.. his yellow eyes shinning before he smirked smugly.

Soon standing and bending over slightly, just to get to Hunter's level(short mofo like me ❤️) putting and index finger under his chin before placing his thumb on the others chin before slightly roughly making him look at him, looking down to Hunter, he had an unsure look, red cheeks and ear tips. Pleading but yet mysterious magenta eyes,, he looked stunning was all Edric could think. (I'm sorry if words repeat 😭💀) Edric leaned in closely to Hunter's ear before saying "Just thought I'd apologize for what I did back at the Lake" he said reassuringly.

Hunter let out a breathy or somewhat airy noise, quiet, but just barely for how close Edric was. "Wanted to say that My name's Edric, Edric Blight" he spoke in a smooth voice. 'A bit of a bold move' Edric thought, internally, he was screaming how gay he was and cussing himself out.

"Bold move, Blight" Hunter slightly snapped at him. Which only caused Edric to hold up his hands in such short defense before smirking, wanting to make his new friend really think 'Bold move', (he may or may not ha~ve) Edric took his right hand placed it on Hunter's left thigh, moving into the pitched gasping boys ear.

"Bold move huh?" Edric spoke, listening to the shorter one hitch his breath, feeling him suddenly tremble. "I- wh-ere is ev" Hunter stopped, trying to breath he tried to finish his words. "Shakey?" Edric asked, sounding smug but dumb, "No! Ah—" Hunter nearly yelled out before feeling Edrics hand cover his mouth. "Shh~ shhhh~.., everyone's out, they told me to stay back to watch you" Edric said through slight gritting teeth.

Slightly moving his hand up, he felt Hunter jump at the sudden movement. "Luz told me your name is Hunter, that so?~" (at this point my AU Edric is more of a showoff sort, and out going) 'this raw piece of meat best let me go' Hunter scowled mentally before speaking "maybe." In a firm tone, Soon that all melted away, his body shaking, face going red while holding an unknown breath. Edric leaning in his ear again "I don't like liars, it was a yes or no question" he simply but seemingly sounding angry in Hunter's ear. Soon that breath had been exhaled without knowing.

!panic attack!

Bitter.. from what being told this blight exactly was so.. what's the word, (this is a Beta version AU, personalites aren't different but most of the "dumb" characters are quite snappy) over the top, Hunter couldn't take it, trying to act tough even if he wasn't, was at most points but being defenseless, no weapons, tied down and mocked like this. He could feel himself begin having tears well up in his eyes again, his body almost numb, "I'm sorr- hic* Edric listened to Hunter quietly. Listening to his breath hitch and seemingly speed up, 'what did this guy go through?!' Edric was still trying to process what was going on.

Hunter sobbed and choked like he did last time, "i-ill do bette- better" little words from his last attack, "gah— sobbing harder. Trembling, Edric had gotten on a knee before cupping Hunter's face like before, "shhh~ breath" he cooed the shorter boy. 'second attack' Edric thought. "Ple-please, just-just one m-m-more time—" Hunter cried shaking his head before slowly falling into Edrics grasp, "it's okay.. it's okay~" " Breath" "nothing is your fault" "please stop crying" Edric tried his best to calm the other down.

!Panic Attack over!

Edric had ended up releasing Hunter, his bags were somewhat red and a dark shade, looking tired Hunter pushed the blight down, dashing for the door, Edric was able to catch him trying to unlock it, pulling at the knob. To bad it was locked with a spell (simple spell really: hand identity Eda's and Luz's only) grabbing his sides, and picking him up Hunter yelped only to be dropped after passing out for a little.

The sound of clanking had been heard , slowly Hunter found himself being pinned down on the floor with Edric clamping the weights around his thighs. Only sealing them shut, they hurt, pinched and we're tight but the main thing was that they were heavy. Hard to stand up from, scooting back quickly he could only have his arms lift his upper body. "Don't do that stunt again, you might be put back in that room again till the others come back" Edric sighed while sitting onto the sofa with crossed leg and arms, keeping an eye on the blonde. Listening to him struggle to curl up in the corner, he still had his golden chest plate on, navy long sleeve which seemed tight of some sort, black jeans, and knee high brown combat boots.Pulling his body closer to himself as tears streamed down his cheeks.

Hunter had fallen asleep with the same posture, but with his face stuffed in his arms

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Hunter had fallen asleep with the same posture, but with his face stuffed in his arms. Edric had his nose in Pentagram before closing his scroll and sighing, had been 2 hours. They said it'd only take an hour and 20 minutes. What was taking them so long?

{Hah! Beat that past me!, In another chapter I'll explain my update and publishing schedule and explain how my AU goes and the different personalities in some characters, btw I do not own them! Its just an AU with them, btw I dont own the art, I just got inspo from it, I forgot to grab the link from the OG creator, But it seems the @ is there. This is just Hunters pose, but with his right arm latched onto his left side to were the big bruise is.}

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