5: Your gayness is showing

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{A playlist to listen too while reading!^^, thought that if im listening to an edit audio ya'll should check it out too!}

Trigger Warning: Bad self thoughts [if you want to count as a trigger], I'm not sure what else to put but if I put something else down please let me know and I'll change it.

POV: Hunter {GG}

After the Eclipse Lake mission that went from a vase to the trash immediately, I found myself in a lot more pain then I expected, A large bruise on the left part of my side, being punch in the gut by that green headed raw gem. I could feel my vision clearing as I tried to focus on my surroundings, trying to stand I felt  myself be pulled back down, my hands tied together strongly, trembling with beads of sweat roll down my face.

Lifting my legs a tad bit, I felt my thighs have a heavy weight on them, a clanking and rattling sound hit the floor. Chains? What kind of hostage is this? Shaking my head out of thought I had realized the room was slightly dark, well, the moonlight shining through windows and little places. Hearing the door creak open, and seeing light shine through I turn my head away. What else was I supposed to do? Scream? No.. I didn't have my mask nor cape on me, and my staff.. wait. Where is my staff? Seeing a shillouet, I turned to it. "what do you want?" I feel my mouth speak before thinking. The words rolling off shakingly from my tongue. The figured seemed to have shrugged off my question before grabbing me under the arm.

No one's POV

Hunter felt himself tense up, glancing at his tied hands, he looked at his thighs. He wasn't chained to the ground, it was more like,, heavy metal attached to him so it would be harder to escape, being lifted up and taken out of the dark room. It was just barely dark, The owl lady and the human in the room, seems like the older blight sister had taken him out of the small space. Then, he was sat down in a chair before feeling the heavy metal come back on him from standing to long.

The Blights, and.. The Clawthornes, were all standing there, The human sitting, most of everyone was standing with their arms crossed, The older blight sister seemed to have a cup of brewed tea and sitting beside the human on the sofa. The male blight was just sitting in a chair with his legs on the sides of the back part with his s arms on it. Hunter scanned everyone and the scene, a nervous look but with furrowed brows, Soon enough the youngest blight sighed and spoke up "it's late, we shouldn't question him tonight, there's not enough time. We should head home guys" she spoke turning away before her and Luz hug before waving to each other. everyone said their goodbyes. The green headed boy winked at Hunter before the three left. (With Emira finishing the tea and placing the cup down obviously). And that was that. Hunter an embarrassed mess from the green headed boy winking at him and with Luz looking at him with a somewhat serious look, "your gayness is showing" she spoke up before grabbing King and heading to her so called room. Hunter shaking off the feeling. Eda soon came up to him "Listen, foods in the fridge, in the kitchen. There's an extra room here somewhere, until I can find it you can sleep on the sofa" she spoke un-pleased of Hunter's presence. "I'm not to fond of you in my home kid, don't think to highly of it" and with that she walked off to her nest.

Hunter sat there, soon trying his best to move from the chair and to the couch. Failing he felt his face heat up, embaressment written all on it, even if no one was watching, hearing a tweet come from the ceiling was a perched little red bird on a board. "Rascal!" He whispered yelled watching the little bird fly down to him before in his face and tweeting. Soon, feeling tears swell up in his eyes, biting his bottom lip and facing his head down. He let tears stream down his red face, 'Im so stupid!, Thinking I could take on 5 witches without my artificial staff! And with this.. Wild magic.' choking on a quiet sob he held back his breath. Holding it 'im probably gonna be disciplined at the Coven, titan. Are they even looking for me? Probably Kikimora to humiliat me and say how've I failed my mission.' he tried to be quiet while trying to breath.

Doing his best to pick himself up, he managed to get on the ground and crawl to the sofa. Managing to get onto it and slightly curl up. The tears stopping slowly.

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